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Opinions of Saturday, 24 October 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Ataa Ayi Is Better Than Kufuor!!!

John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor, is a common criminal and there is no other way to put it.

Sometime in 2003, when Kufuor was likened to Ataa Ayi, the most notorious criminal at the time, the NPP went on an insulting binge because their “God-fearing man and a man with a vision” was likened to the most notorious criminal in Ghana.
Those were the days that Kufuor was still riding on a crest wave and creating the impression to Ghanaians that he had come to “save our motherland from oppression and suppression and to make Ghana a happy home”.
Little did we know that by the time his term would be over, Kufuor would be known as the number one criminal in Ghana; a criminal and thieving President whose prime aim was to steal the nation’s wealth and selloff assets of the nation in order to swell his bank account and enrich himself, his kids, his cronies and his numerous concubines.
Today, all well-meaning Ghanaians will agree without blinking and eyelid that Ataa Ayi is a better criminal than Kufuor.
Not that I condone any form of crime; far from that.
However, since we live in a world that will always have criminals, per my judgment, Ataa Ayi is a better criminal that Kufuor.
I say that Ataa Ayi is a better criminal than Kufuor because Ataa Ayi targeted individuals in his criminal and stealing escapades.
Ataa Ayi spent his time planning on how to rob innocent individuals and families.
Anytime Ataa Ayi went robbing, he targeted specific victims.
In the case of John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor, he spent eight years as President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, targeting Ghana and stealing and looting the nation’s wealth.
Kufuor did not target individuals; he targeted the nation’s resources and that is why he is a worse criminal than Ataa Ayi.
For eight years, Kufuor, aided and goaded on by his lackeys in and out of government (especially the conscienceless section of the media), did nothing but steal the wealth and the resources of the nation.
Of course, at the end of the day, he used the nation’s resources to purchase expensive gold chains and put them around the necks of the people who aided him to steal and loot the nation’s wealth.
Indeed, it was after he dissipated the nation’s resources to purchase the expensive gold chains that the BBC likened Kufuor to U.S rap artiste, 50 Cents – who is noted for hanging all manner of chains around his neck.
From the moment Kufuor was sworn-in as President, he went on a looting and stealing spree.
Those days, Kwamena Bartels was an active participant in Kufuor’s looting and stealing agenda.
Those were the days that Kufuor used billions of our money to turn his uncompleted airport home into a castle, and got Bartels to get some loafer to parade as a farmer who paid 41 million to the state as a way of picking up the tab of the renovation works.
Apparently, at the time he was declaring a zero tolerance for corruption, Kufuor was actually declaring a 100% tolerance for stealing and looting. Indeed, having dug his feet solidly into his stealing and looting agenda, Kufuor told Ghanaians in the face that corruption started from the days of Adam and so nobody should tell him that he was presiding over a very corrupt regime. For a fact, Kufuor told Ghanaians that he saw corruption on a daily basis at the Castle but did not give a damn about it.
Kufuor went further to tell Ghanaians that he set up the Accountability Office in the castle to pull a veil over corrupt acts of his appointees because if he made public the corrupt acts of his appointees, he would be destroying the NPP in public.
As far as Kufuor was concerned, the image of the NPP was more important than the image of Ghana as well as the need to protect the nation’s resources. To make matters worse, Kufuor told Ghanaians that sometimes, corruption came in the form of women who were prepared to bed him, and that he had to pinch himself to stay away from the women.
We however know it for a fact that Kufuor was not able to stay away from the women as it is a matter of public knowledge that Kufuor is unable to keep his zip up.
At least Giselle Yatjzi confessed that for more than a year, she and Kufuor were in an “intimate” relationship which she claims resulted in the birth of her twins; Philip and John Kufuor.
Kufuor is a common criminal and a thief, and some of us are not going to find other words to describe him.
In the stinking Vodafone matter, we are not surprised that ever since the news broke that Kufuor singlehandedly sold Ghana Telecom and pocketed a whopping $30 million, the former President and his PR team have not been able to come out to deny the story.
The evidence is so overwhelming that Kufuor and his PR machinery have gone dead silent.
Honestly, we are not surprised in the least that a section of Ghanaians (including some NPP people), are asking for the head of Kufuor.
Ghanaians may have been prepared to forgive Kufuor for the sale of Ghana Airways but with the startling revelation that he personally sold Ghana Telecom cheaply so as to personally benefit from it, Ghanaians do not seem to be in the mood to forgive Kufuor on this score. As for me Nana Biakoye, I support 100% any move to investigate Kufuor and haul him before a court of competent jurisdiction if need be. If Ataa Ayi and co are in jail because of certain “minor’ crimes they committed, Kufuor must not be allowed to get away with his loot. If former President’s in other jurisdictions have been jailed for abusing their office, Kufuor must also go to jail. Kufuor is not above the law and he must not be allowed to think he is above the law. We are building a Better Ghana and in doing so, we must make sure that Kufuor accounts for his stewardship. John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor is a criminal, and I am not sorry at all that I am calling a spade a spade.
Nana Biakoye (A True Patriot )