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Opinions of Friday, 24 September 2010

Columnist: Transient Justice

Atta Mills has done well….

Four months ago when I started activist journalism on Ghanaweb I was one of Atta Mills biggest critics… My Article history will attest to this. I viewed him as incompetent, slow, and simply not fit to rule a country like Ghana. After 4 months I must say Atta Mills has improved a lot.

With the last 4 months Mills has managed to achieve single digit inflation. His methods of achieving it were controversial but, in essence they worked… The economy is now enjoying inflation levels that the NPP could only speculate about but, never achieved… Is it making a real difference on the ground? The simple answer is NO but, there is no real empirical evidence which indicates that the NPP’s hyped economy did much for the common man either. After all, it was a neo-colonial economy inherited from the old NDC. What the NDC has managed to do is not only lower inflation since inflation talk was the hype of the NPP administration but, more impressively the NDC under Professor Mills has managed to remove some of the “Neo-colonial dust” from Ghana.

This was demonstrated when Mills told the oil companies that in Ghana he is the main “cowboy” and, that he runs the show. This was done by insisting that if anything is going to be sold that belongs to Ghana we would have to approve of it… This sounds very simple but, very few leaders have the guts to take on powerful corporations… This is something I could never have dreamt Mills would have had the guts to do. Simply put, President after president of this republic has been a Neo-colonial agent thus, It is nice to finally have the well educated professor who stands for something and, hold firm when under pressure. Admittedly, there are still some Neo-colonial and corrupt agents in Mills administration but, he has shown the guts to remove the worst offenders while keeping the others on their toes…

This independence of thought has led him to go to China to seek out Ghana’s interests… He has recently signed a reported 13 Billion dollars in deals. The patriotic citizens of Ghana are still waiting to see the exact plans but, with the transparency that the system offers they should be available shortly…Some may argue that this is a huge amount but, with Atta Mills in power and, with more measures to follow the money I am confident the money will be well spent…

My only advice to the professor would be to rid the administration of characters like Derrick Adjei and others of his caliber… Mr. Adjei is a known ethnocentrist who started the Ga association and, as the president of the club made statements which can only be defined as divisive and infantile… Thus, I don’t understand why Dr. Mills is still keeping him around… Ghana is past the stage of such petty ignorance… People like Derrick Adjei are easily used by Neo-colonial forces to destroy nations… Thus, keeping them around is a risk. This guy simply has neo-colonial agent written all over his face…. He has shown in the past that he does not have the interests of all Ghanaians at heart thus, Mills appointing “men” like him has been the weakest point of his administration… Such people should not be in any position of leadership….

Overall, when all things are considered. Dr. Mills has done well so far. He has managed to get Ghana on a different path which suggests that prosperity may be in the future of this nation. Now, I am looking forward to seeing how he will manage the different projects he is starting up because, the money is a lot and if it is wasted Ghana will forever be finished… That is to say, Mills has an opportunity that only Kwame Nkrumah has had namely, he has the resources to make big moves which can change Ghana forever… He should simply be weary of Neo-colonial forces which will infiltrate both his party and the opposition to try to convince him to sell our resources to the same people who have already enjoyed the bulk of our wealth while we have suffered in misery…

Penname: Transient Justice