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Opinions of Sunday, 30 September 2007

Columnist: Abdul-Rahman

Atta Mills is not afraid of Narcotic Gangsters

Our attention was drawn to a series of articles written by NPP watchdogs. We found one such article on the Ghana Review International web page of September 7the, 2007 attributed to The Ghanaian Chronicle, and the other attributed to Mr. Mustapha Hamid, a campaign puppet of Nana Akufo-Addo and published by Daily Dispatch whose editor is a card-bearing member of the NPP. We will in this essay excuse Mr. Hamid because as a campaign puppet, we do not expect him to say otherwise if not he will be betraying his master's bravado. What concerns us in this paper is the article attributed to The Chronicle, a supposedly respected newspaper whose views and editorial is widely accepted as independent and for that matter credible. One would have thought that the position of a newspaper major newspaper such as The Chronicle would usually be enumerated in its editorial and not on some funny article without foundation. If the purported article is what represented the editorial of the Ghanaian Chronicle, then may God help the newspaper and its editor? But if it is written by those NPP boys it important that newspaper publish the name of the writer for some us address the person and express our concerns.

The article suggested that as of the time Mr. Osafo Marfo existed the Finance Ministry there was some $ 1,425.6 million in the coffers of the state. One wonders why the Kuffour led government borrowed money from the Communist Republic of China for the purposes of the Bui Dam. What a big joke? I urge readers to visit the World Bank and IMF websites to view Ghana?s debt profile just in six years of NPP administration. The NPP administration had borrowed in six more than any other administration in our country?s history. This is in spite of the external aid pouring and good will from other countries and donor agencies across the world. Ghana continues to finance over 70% of its annual budget from external sources. By way as of the time the NDC was leaving this number was 65%.

In fact Professor Mills will be smiling if Mr. Osafo Marfo is elected to lead the NPP. After all, the IFC and CNTC loan scandals happened under his watchful eyes. He is so incompetent that he could not distinguish between genuine financial institutions and fake organization with hair saloons shops as their headquarters. Osafo Marfo will go down in Ghanaian history as the only the minister to have contracted a loan from a hair saloon operated location. Why should Ghanaians trust a candidate who couldn?t distinguish between a loan agreement and a financial grantee? May be NPP delegate will trust him but Ghanaians will not buy such a stupidity from an individual who once upon a time headed a major financial institution in Ghana. Professor Mills is not afraid of any of the NPP candidates. He is quietly waiting whomever the NPP delegates decides to elect to lead their party. Unlike in previous electioneering campaigns, he has the benefit of their malicious records and hidden agendas. A record that he and the NDC will play constantly back to the Ghanaian public for their perusal. On this score, if any political party is scared it is the NPP. It is the NPP that have already started forming reactions before it elects any candidate. It is the NPP that is running away from its own disgraceful shadows, pointing accusing fingers at each other, and challenging the competence of their own fellow candidates. The NDC had elected its flag bearer and the party is waiting for NPP to elect whoever they deem fit to compete against Mills. If the NDC was afraid of any the so-called ?star candidates? the party would have waited for their elections.

Professor Mills is a public servant who devoted much of his life to public service. A professor of law at the University of Ghana, Direct of the Internal Revenue Service, and Vice President of the Republic of Ghana. A very modest man who puts the national interest above his own. He demonstrated this at the end of the 2000 and 2004 elections. Despite the electoral malpractices by the NPP and its agents, and despite the refusal of the EC to gazette and publish the results of the 2004 elections, he accepted the results in good faith in the interest of the country. He did not write books and title them ?stolen verdicts?, he did not urge his party boycott parliament, and did not cause any confusion as to destabilize the peace and tranquility of Ghanaians. Rather he accepted result and waited for another day to fight.

The NDC is not afraid of a Narcotic gang calling itself a political party. How many card-bearing members of the NPP were arrested at various international airports so far? How many of them were bailed out by the first family whiles under arrest at the Kotoka International? Do they want us to wait for their ultimate ambition of turning Ghana into a Narco state? Where did Kuffour and his family generate the over five million dollars used in the purchases of ?hotel kuffour?? Do they think that Ghanaians are asleep all these while? Ghanaians are not only reading and listening, but are also very discerning despite all the government sponsored editorials, and the very uncouth article of individuals such as Mr. Okuampa the five syllabus writer, who always penned his articles with the pen in one hand and the dictionary on the other thinking that by writing articles with very long and misleading words, he could confuse the general public into buying his mischievousness.

Come 2008, we as a people will provide answers to the questions posed to us by the NPP. We do not want to see Ghana turned into a Narco state. We don?t want first ladies who bails out narcotic traders. We do not want a president who buys properties using his kids as front men and women. We detest leaders who travel at the least opportunity, including times of national disasters when leadership is much needed in country. It is for reasons and many others that this article did not mention that the Narcotic Peddlers Party (NPP) would be shown the exit in 2008. They should stay in opposition for a while and learn that people cannot be taken for granted.

Welland, Ontario Canada

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