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Opinions of Friday, 30 December 2016

Columnist: Tsikata & Dotse


December 28, 2016

The Executive Secretary
National Accreditation Board of Ghana (NAB)
Accra, Ghana

Dear Sir:

We wish to draw the attention of the National Accreditation Board (NAB) to the following and seek action thereof:

I. Nana Appiagyei Dankawoso holds himself out as a holder of an honorary doctorate degree conferred by the Dayspring University in the United States of America (Please follow the link to claim and publicity

II. This is against the stipulations of the National Accreditation Board (NAB), which declared the above-stated institution as a diploma mill and ineligible to confer either earned or honorary doctoral degrees on Ghanaians.

III. We urge the NAB to write to the following institutions on whose board the above-mentioned individual serves to request for Nana’s CV/resume/credentials which must have served as the basis for his appointment: Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Trade, University of Ghana Business School, University of Cape Coast Board, and the West African Examination Council.

IV. If it is found that the above questionable qualification served as the basis for his appointment to the above-listed public institutions, the aforementioned public institutions must take immediate steps to revoke the appointments and initiate steps to retrieved monies paid to the individual in question based on this questionable award.

V. Further to this, just as in the case of the IGP John Kudalor, the NAB must take immediate steps to restrain Nana Appiagyei Dankawoso from holding himself out as a doctorate degree holder with immediate effect.
We look forward to the NAB taking immediate action and reverting to us with the outcome of their investigation and action.

Prosper Yao Tsikata, Ph.D.
A. Kobla Dotse, Ph.D.