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Opinions of Friday, 29 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Attivor whipping up tribal sentiments to save her skin

Do the Akans not say, “It’s not the day that you cast a stone across the banks of the Volta River that you will ache badly in your ribcage?” From a recently sounding of tribal alarm by the former Minister of Transport, Dzifa Attivor, one can conclusively assert that the veracity of the good old Akan proverb has been proved beyond all reasonable doubt.

This woman was the one who spent almost GHC3.6 million to rebrand 116 government-purchased public transports. She spent this huge sum of money just to get only President Mahama’s pictures to appear on the buses with the ulterior motive of publicising him ahead of the 2016 elections.

Later revelations indicated that the rebranding of each bus cost about GHC1, 600 but this woman connived with the NDC government to lie to Ghanaians that it cost Ghana GHC31, 034. Following the public outcry over the broad daylight robbery she had inflicted on Ghanaians regarding the cost of the meaningless rebranding of the buses with the aim of scoring cheap political points, she was forced to resign her post as the Minister of Transport.

Being haunted by her crime, very guilty-conscious as she has come to feel, she is seeking a very clever way to escape from ever accounting to Ghanaians on how better or not, she served Ghana and the populace.

Seeing the noose from afar but looming ominously her way, she has started evoking tribal sentiments in case the people of her tribe will rally to her support, but at the expense of their individual and collective suffering.

She has appealed to the Ewes, or to be more precise, the people of the Volta Region, to help vote to maintain NDC in power come 2016 to avert the calamity of her being jailed by the surely incoming NPP administration under the august leadership of Nana Akufo Addo, the modern day (reminiscent of) Joseph or David of the biblical times.

She makes a sweeping statement that when the NPP comes to power, they will jail all Voltarians in the NDC government? How absurd her statement is! What have the Voltarians done to deserve prison term under a future NPP administration?

Why should the ordinary Voltarian continue to suffer socio-economic hardships just to save a corrupt member of government who shamelessly colluded with other Government and party members to dupe not only Ghana and Ghanaians but also, the yet unborn Ghanaian generations?

Is it not said, “If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” or “if you can’t do the time don’t commit the crime?” When she was happily embezzling funds to the disadvantage of the entire nation, her actions culminated in shortage of funds for construction of vital projects hence the devastating dumsor with its ripple effects of joblessness, redundancies in workplaces, unprecedented armed robberies etc. that have come to bear upon Ghanaians like a cumulonimbus cloud.

Fellow Voltarians please do not allow yourselves to be exploited any further by those few selfish and cunning Voltarians or Ghanaians who think they can always play on your intelligence, whip on your sentiments, to get what they want at the expense of your collective suffering.

Let them know that you have come of age. If by them you were fools yesterday, please tell them that today, you have wised up. You are no longer the fools they took you for.
We are one nation, one people and with a common destiny.


The publication of the message was titled, “Open Letter to My Compatriots the Voltarians” and was published on Friday, 11 December 2015 under the web link:

I shall kindly request all Ghanaians to collectively help towards saving ourselves from the killer administration by President Mahama and his clueless, incompetent and corrupt NDC government.

Those who think they can harm Rockson Adofo by him speaking his mind in a very truthful manner shall all fail. They will fall by their thousands on his left hand side and ten thousands on his right.

Rockson will in the next few days ahead of us upload onto YouTube some threatening messages he has received on his phone from an anonymous Ghanaian caller resident in Britain. He has been calling from an unregistered Lycamobile Sim card phone number (0044) 07459022242. His boastful, although criminal threats, will not discourage me from telling the truth all of the time. His threats will be used to my advantage. How, one may ask? Wait to see or read about how it will be used to achieve some positive results for the suffering Ghanaian masses.

We shall not be intimidated by anyone. We shall all help to campaign for Nana Akufo Addo/Dr Bawumia and NPP to win power to come to redeem us from intimidation, lawlessness, corruption and the intentional annihilation of the nation’s economy by President Mahama and the likes of Ms Dzifa Avittor.

Rockson Adofo