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Opinions of Sunday, 23 March 2014

Columnist: Mensema, Akadu Ntiriwa

Attorney General Sleeps in Woyome’s Looting Bed

*By Akadu Ntiriwa Mensema, PhD

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General may continue to sleep in Woyome’s looting bed, but should not take all Ghanaians for fools. Since the Woyome case began, the AG’s Office has always had stupid excuses one after the other: state attorneys are sick; they have traveled overseas; they are on trek; they need more time to study the case, their cars broke down; they were caught in traffic; they arrive in court late; they left their brief-cases that have the case in their offices; they need interpreters; they have diarrhea; they are out to lunch, etc. Then again, we don’t have to blame the Attorney General’s Office. After all, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General (AG), Marrietta Brew Appiah-Oppong, is preying on Ghanaians’ short memory. She well knows that very soon Ghanaians will forget about Woyome’s cruel crime. Are we surprised that some chieftains came out from their impoverished backwater enclaves to speak to the greatness of Woyome. Sadly the NDC is all over the place looking for loans to create and loot from some fictional projects such as planting trees in the dry season savanna region and rearing akomfem without any fencing.

“Minister of Justice and Attorney General (AG) Marrietta Brew Appiah-Oppong has downplayed suggestions that the State is having a tough time prosecuting Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the man at the center of the 51 million judgment debt saga. The State Monday failed to respond to the businessman’s claim of no case at the Financial Division of the Fast Track High Court in Accra” (Ghanaweb, March 21, 2014).

Any day AG is ready for plantain thieves
With her swift and instant justice
The plantain thief is jailed
The mother who stole two fingers
Of dry plantain
To feed her four hungry kids
The mother is in jail
Ten years with hard labor

Monday AG is not ready for Woyome
No court
Tuesday AG is not ready for Woyome
No court
Wednesday AG is not ready for Woyome
No court
Thursday AG is not ready for Woyome
No court
Friday AG is not ready for Woyome
No court

Hmm! Saturday AG is READY for Woyome
AG & Woyome lunch & drink together

Hmm! Sunday is AG READY for Woyome
They go to Church and PREY together
Yes, they prey on praying Ghanaians

Woyome is still free
For stealing $51 Million
Revered by his kinsfolk
The cruel thief
Rides in motorcades
Serenaded by the police
Resplendently attends state functions
Regaled by benighted Ghanaian masses
Ghanaians sick from their short memories
And AG has tapped into our short memories
For slow justice
For sluggish justice
For the pen-armed WOYOMES

Plantain thief is jailed
The mother who stole two fingers
Of dry plantains
To feed her four hungry kids
The mother is in jail
Ten years with hard labor

Slow justice for Woyome’s theft of $51 million
Hmm! Swift justice for the plantain thief

*Akadu Ntiriwa Mensema, Ph. D., is a nationalist Denkyira beauty. She is a trained oral historian cum sociologist and Professor in the USA. She lives in Pennsylvania with her great mentor and teaches Africa-area studies at a college in Maryland. In her pastime, she writes what critics have called “populist hyperbolic, satirical” poetry. She can be reached at [email protected]. My poems and essays on Ghanaweb and elsewhere must not be reproduced in full or in part for any academic or scholarly work without my written permission.