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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Awuni; Wither Your Threat Of Court Action?

Nana Biakoye

I ask; where is Andrew Awuni, the spineless and clueless spin master employed by John Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Agyekum Kufuor?

I ask of the whereabouts of Awuni because a little over a fortnight ago, he disturbed the equilibrium of the eardrums of the nation with some senseless noise.

Awuni, two weeks ago, held a press conference at the Castle and swore fire and brimstone saying that if the NDC did not retract and apologise for a story that was doing the rounds that John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor was involved in some shady deals with a Kuwaiti Oil company, the President was going to haul the NDC before the law courts.

Lisping his way through the dirty deals of his boss, Awuni unintelligently blew hot air on the day thinking that the criminal conduct of his boss could be wished away.

Well, the two week ultimatum given by Awuni is up and I ask; “Andrew Awuni, whither thy threat of court action?”

Awuni shouted himself hoarse on the day and created the impression that once the 14 days are up, he will act as a bailiff, be holding a court summons and stand in front of the NDC’s headquarters around Paloma to summon the party to court.

The 14 days expired about 4 days ago and Awuni is out of coverage area.

Yesterday on Citi FM, Awuni could not be reached to answer questions as to what is happening to his empty threat.

Frank Agyekum, who agreed to speak, was also nowhere to be found when Citi FM tried to reach him.

Awuni and Agyekum run away like shy dogs with their tails in between their thighs.

Honestly, did Awuni really think his empty threat raffled the NDC?

Andrew Awuni did not threaten even a fly in the NDC.

Today, if there is anybody who has rotten eggs on his face, it is Andrew Awuni.

Awuni has succeeded in embarrassing himself and his boss because they have ended up as men without balls.

Who is going to take Awuni and his boss serious the next time they issue another empty threat?

Not too long ago, this self-same Awuni said that some people had committed high treason by questioning the judgment of his boss.

Obviously, this Awuni character thinks that because he is in the castle, he can open his mouth and just rewrite the constitution and laws of this land.

Suddenly, Awuni thinks that he can redefine what constitutes high treason.

When Awuni was issuing his recent empty threat, he forgot that the constitution does not allow the President to sue.

Awuni is making a complete clown and ass of himself with the way he is allowing his boss’s criminal and stealing conduct to affect his thought process.

Since Andrew Awuni is now in the business of issuing ultimatum and court threats, what is Awuni doing about the telling revelations coming from Frema Busia?

Yes, what has happened to the two-by-four machoness in Awuni?

Or Awuni is scared of Frema Busia? Obviously, Frema has hit a raw nerve and so Awuni has become a scuba diver and taken a deep dive and is currently resting on the seabed. Naniama!!!

If Awuni is a man, he should dare issue any lame threat in the direction of Frema Busia and he will see the missile that will hit him.

Kufuor is a criminal who will most certainly end up in court one day to answer serious questions and no amount of empty threats that come from Awuni will change the fact that Ghana is currently being managed by a bunch of, brigands, thieves, highway robbers, sexual perverts, drug addicts, immoral souls, nation looters, and nation wreckers.

I thank God that come 7th December, the Almighty himself will give as a God-fearing, humble, honest, truthful, and transparent Leader in the person of Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

Nana Biakoye