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Opinions of Friday, 24 February 2017

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

BNI – The time to pick GCB’s Agbesi is nigh

Ernest Mawuli Agbesi, MD of GCB Bank Ernest Mawuli Agbesi, MD of GCB Bank

By Fadi Dabbousi

It may not come to the discerning Ghanaian as a surprise that arresting, investigating, and prosecuting perceived criminals is sometimes a selective administration of “who-you-know” kind of justice. The authorities under the NDC had developed a lackadaisical manner of doing the right things, so it does not baffle me that they have to familiarise themselves with their job descriptions all over again under the NPP government.

The BNI had previously done the wrong things, persecuting innocent people for speaking the truth, when such orders came from “above”. Now the tables have turned, and Ghanaians shall never be disappointed again. But that feeling of dissatisfaction is slowly creeping back in. The person allegedly behind the master plan of dubiousness at every institution he headed throughout his career is still at post and walking free.

Mawuli Agbesi, happy 63rd birthday. I understand that you celebrated it on Saturday the 18th of February. And I also understand that the merrymaking cost some GHs200, 000 (two hundred thousand Ghana Cedis). Very good! I hope you did not use the savings of the poor or the sweat and blood of the suffering Ghanaian to enjoy such largess. But I would not be surprised if you did because word that made the rounds indicated that you were fond of doing that.

Anyway, this is a passionate appeal to the BNI to arrest, investigate, and prosecute Mr Mawuli Agbesi on the issues of alleged corruption, pre-meditated plots to cause financial losses to the State, mishandling customers’ funds at Ghana Commercial Bank, and other dubious deals at other institutions prior to his transfer. It would scandalise customers of the Ghana Commercial Bank to note that their Managing Director had supposedly travelled to Dubai late last year, buying property and paying cash for them in a frenzy as if there was going to be an acute shortage of same. We do not have any problem with that, but it is wondrous that a servant of the Bank as Agbesi allegedly behaves in this way with people’s money as if it were his by birth right.

All is not well at the GCB that is headed by Agbesi. In fact, unfavourable appointments, transfers, spiteful management, and unprofessional conduct are said to be the current status quo at that institution. Where honest people have raised serious questions, their transfers popped up almost magically, like the touch of the mighty wizard in a British traditional tale. NPP professionals were and continue to be transferred by this man, Agbesi, while he seeks to entrench himself as he continues with his mandate. He is on a two year contract term with the Bank. In no time after his assumption of the reins of management, shambolism soon took over in almost every aspect of management.

Let the BNI be served notice that we shall be monitoring this issue religiously until the right thing is done and the investments of GCB’s customers are protected from the pillaging hands of Agbesi and his NDC masters who it is widely believed indulged in such appalling malfeasance cum misfeasance on a national scale. We cannot afford to lay back and watch as he brings the Ghana Commercial Bank to its knees, collapsing it in a sudden wave of an avalanche of incompetence.

The Bureau for National Investigations (BNI) must sit up to do what they were created and mandated to, PROTECT THE NATION!!!