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Opinions of Saturday, 23 January 2021

Columnist: Afedzi Abdullah

Baby Theft: Coalition on the Rights of the Child seeks justice for victims

File photo of mother and baby File photo of mother and baby

The Ghana NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child (GNCRC) has expressed disappointment about the incident of “baby harvesting and child trafficking” at some health facilities in Accra and condemn it in all uncertain terms.

The Coalition has thus, admonished all institutions responsible for ensuring justice to act accordingly with no fear or favour and ensure that the victims and their families get utmost justice.

It also called on the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection to as a matter of urgency form a task force to further investigate the matter to unravel the whole truth surrounding the incident.

Additionally, it called on the government to as a matter of priority increase logistics and budgets in the area of Child Protection and Child Rights to enable all children-related institutions to function well.

These were contained in a statement issued and signed by its National President, Mr Philip Bosomtwi Amoah and copied to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Cape Coast.

It commended the efforts of the Ghana Police Service, EOCO and the Medical and Dental Council for the collaboration and a great job done while encouraging mothers and families members who go to hospitals and clinics for deliveries and health care with their children to be vigilant.

The coalition further called on international, national and local organisations whose goal was to champion child Rights and protection to double their activities to give strong support to child rights protection in the country.

It encouraged all their members to activate their investigative lenses and monitor all institutions that deals with children.