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Opinions of Thursday, 21 March 2019

Columnist: Fadi Dabbousi

Bankruptcy of wisdom and reason - an Isaac Adongo story

Fadi Dabbousi Fadi Dabbousi

I lament our current affairs, which is bedevilled by humans of inordinate foolishness haloed only by people of a lesser breed, thinking that the flamboyance of English that is spoken by a few educated illiterates from the NDC camp, albeit improperly, makes them subscribe to reason that, sadly, they do not possess.

But how can they possess reason when such persons come across as non-thinking, non-performing, brainless, fruitless and faceless species of Homo sapiens who have made their abodes in the gutters of chicanery, narcissism, and bigotry.

Isaac Adongo, a Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central, has been on the abusive trend of criticism where he does not see fit to be decorous towards a Vice-President, who has painstakingly sought to repair what the NDC had damaged over eight years of national rape and national slander!

So Isaac Adongo, I am told, is the best economic luminary in the NDC; really? Let me apologise to the Queen of England for using the word “luminary” as an appendage to his name, albeit it is just a figure of speech to depict how lowly the NDC has become, if idiocy is regarded as luminaria in their dark labyrinths to nowhere!

Anyway, this man is allegedly known to have made statements that served to mock his party and bamboozle the uninformed lot of the NDC, majority of its grassroots being crass duds! You see, they do not see reason in the astuteness of Dr Bawumia! They do not see the hope in finding solutions by Ken Ofori-Atta through Bonds that are oversubscribed due to the major successes that President Akufo-Addo is chalking by way of governance and policy implementation!

They do not see the positive turn-around of the country that had seen the heinousness of incompetence manifest in the flight of Guinea fowls to Burkina Faso, and the cutting of the sod for a poltergeist $10 billion US Dollars Hope City that was just used, allegedly, as a conduit to syphon more money into the private pockets of people like Adongo and his cohorts, which he covers up with shambolic explanations to the dilemma we are facing in this country, far from pinning his finger to the cause of the problems of today.

I must admit that the NDC stands accused of illiteracy in that they do not read or know how to. After all, every problem has a root source, and the root source of our curse in Ghana is the NDC, simplicita!

Recently I heard that he advised the government to sack employees in order to save the temporary hiccup experienced with the Cedi. You see, theirs is just wishful thinking. They think that if we fall for this absurdity, the NDC party would have hit the jackpot. They would then go loud on the government for culling the daily bread of innocent Ghanaians. When the NDC is back in power after some 50 or 60 years, if it is still existing by that time, then they should try implementing this senseless argument.

I am told that he went back to the drawing board and realised that he had not made enough of a fool of himself, so after deliberating with his village witches, he returned to say that DrBawumia had gone to India to get juju to save the Cedi. What has the NDC not done to sink our image as a country? They have made us the laughing stock of the international community.

They have always brought our nation to the limelight, that particular one that nobody wants to be thrown at. Anita De Sosu once said that the depreciation of the Cedi under their watch was due to dwarfs stealing from the coffers.

Isaac Adongo, allegedly, stated that same was the result of high rise buildings! President Mahama, unfortunately, hopped onto the bandwagon claiming that dumsor (power outages) were due to too many mobile phones that needed to be charged, and the chilled water sachets sold on the streets!
In everything they do, though, one thing stands as tall as the Apennine Colossus of Florence in Italia!

You see, there has never been a moment since the ascent of His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo to the Presidency that investors have stopped flooding the country. From within and without, people have come up with all sorts of projects and investments.

The one village one dam has recorded hundreds of completed projects of which the NDC have acknowledged just 100. Liars! For the shame of having been exposed as nation wreckers, unpatriotic goons, and treasonous devils, they just do not want to accept that their era was the most reprehensible in the history of this country!

Then they called Dr Bawumia, Bawuliar, and more recently, Bawu-lante! Fine, if it is to make Ghana great again that Isaac Adongo and his mafia breeds do not want DrBawumia to participate in, they can call him all sorts of names.

But we will call him “Bawu-Saint” because the fortunes of our country are turning around with him as Vice-President and head of the EMT!

Shame unto you Isaac Adongo, you are a hater of our motherland, Ghana, that has always nurtured and cried for you to be a good citizen, but you have failed her. You are a spectator, not a citizen! Why?

