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Opinions of Thursday, 22 September 2022

Columnist: Gabriel Dzotepe

Bawumia owes Ghanaians explanation on 35% penalty on imported used cars

Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Vehicles and Assets Dealers Union should direct their anger to Dr Bawumia, the man who promised to shift our economy from taxation driven to production driven.

He owes Ghanaians explanation in that regards. As the Head of the Economic Management Team, it's he who must ensure that the 35% penalty on the duty on imported used vehicles which, are between 1 to 5 years old is reduced significantly.

Of course, all over the world, citizens pay taxes and levies to governments to meet their development obligations. But, policy makers, legislators and development partners also know that overburdening citizens with so much taxes and levies is counter productive. It increases inflation and stifles economies.

This is why Dr Muhamadu Bawumia promised Ghanaians in opposition that when their party comes to power, they shall shift the Ghanaian economy from taxation driven to production driven.

Unfortunately, in power, the party that promised to shift the economy from taxation driven production oriented continue to rather pile more taxes and levies on citizens.

Ghanaians were amazed that throughout the E-Levy conversation, now Vice President Bawumia, Head of Nana Akufo-Addo's Economic Management Team deliberately looked elsewhere as if he wasn't present while government fought citizens to forcibly impose the obnoxious electronic transaction levy on citizens.

That levy has made him so unpopular in and out of his party that his people are doing all they could to make his main opponent, Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, unpopular among a segment of Ghanaian business people and members of the Vehicle and Assets Dealers Union of Ghana through the projection of the imposition of 35% penalty on the duty on imported used cars which, are between 1 to 5 years old.

But, this won't work because among others:

1. Everybody knows who the Head of Government Economic Management Team is. He's Dr Muhammadu Bawumia.

2. Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten does not impose let alone determine percentages of taxes and penalties to be imposed on imported goods including used vehicles.

3. Citizens know that Alan's main focus is on 1D1F, delivering the promise of industrialisation competently.

So, members of the Vehicle and Assets Dealers Union of Ghana should direct their anger to Dr Bawumia, the man who promised to shift our economy from taxation driven to production driven to ensure that the penalty is reduced significantly..