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Opinions of Monday, 4 February 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Be Wary of Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

Be Wary of Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, alias General Mosquito

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has become the sole "One Man Thousand" in Ghana after the demise of both the famous musician Alex Kwabena Konadu, and Kofi Sarpong from Kumawu in the Ashanti Region. Each of the two deceased was known by that nickname for a particular reason or a peculiar great feat they achieved. Whilst Alex Konadu churned out many great songs, Kofi Sarpong was strong enough to beat many people put together though; it was not his favourite game to play.

Mr. Asiedu Nketiah, a "One Man Thousand" in the making, has such a loudmouth to whip everyone into line. He is always quick to come out to defend every course of action taken by the NDC even if it involves open corruption aimed at depleting the coffers of the nation. He, as highly emaciated and ugly as he is, always insults his political opponents. He casts insinuations and aspersions on his political rivals especially, those belonging in the NPP, and continually seeks to intimidate them.

Asiedu Nketiah has been so vociferous defending any action by the NDC no matter how roguish, lawless and intimidating it may appear. The longer he ensures the NDC remains in power, the much better it is for him to milk the country dry. He is quick to offer reasons to justify his personal financial interests as a sitting Board Member of the Bui Dam Project and a block manufacturer selling blocks at twice the price that of his colleagues. He sells these blocks at the seat of the Bui Dam Project and to the contractors working on the dam.

He is scared of being charged and Ghanaians arraigning before a court of competent jurisdiction for exhibiting acts bordering on Conflict of Interest. For this reason, coupled with direct involvement in other corrupt practices, he always tries to ward off the NPP by his threatening behaviour, insults and persecutions. He, as little mind, educated-illiterate as he is, always seeks to underestimate the intelligence of the NPP and all discerning Ghanaians.

I intended to write to rubbish his orange analogy to the refusal of Nana Akuffo-Addo, Dr. Bawumia and Obetsebi Lamptey to divulge further information on the polling stations and constituencies where the alleged election irregularities and fraud took place but someone has already done that. I wonder on which planet lives Asiedu Nketiah and which womb conceived him. His analogy was infantile and never reflected the situation at stake. Why would the NDC, in which case is John Mahama and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, require the NPP to tell them in what polling stations, and what took place long before the Supreme Court begins to hear the case?

I think Asiedu Nketiah and such like minds are beyond description as ignorant cheats living in an uncivilized world of their own where an unintelligent person like Asiedu Nketiah is King. Truly, in the land of the blind, one-eye man is King.

As stated in my earlier write-up, until John Mahama and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, provide Nana Akuffo-Addo and Co. with copies of the pink sheets/papers covering the entire 26,000 polling stations where voting to place, they should not pass the list of the areas being challenged to them. Nana Akuffo-Addo and co. must only make known the revelation of the entirety of the fraud, going by polling-station-to-polling-station during the hearing of the case by the Supreme Court judges.

It is sad to see the NDC rented press and persons coming out making loud and silly statements to discourage the NPP and discerning Ghanaians from believing in Nana Akuffo-Addo and the cause he is pursuing. I tell all ye that have ears to hear that Nana Akuffo-Addo won the election but Afari-Gyan, John Mahama and the NDC stole the winning verdict from him. The truth will out, so I encourage all of you to treat the propaganda the NDC and Asiedu Nketiah are spinning with the contempt it deserves.

Ghanaians should not make that mistake of allowing the known thieves to sell Ghana once again. Now, they are the best of friends with Alfred Agbesi Woyome, treating him to the red carpet. They have also put in motion their stealing mechanism to deprive Ghana of her gold reserves dubiously. Oh, what breed of people are the NDC? I may want to know from which School of Thievery they graduated with that unparallel distinction.

Asiedu Nketiah is simply a dangerous nonentity whose ugliness of physique and words of mouth cut across the bone unlike beauty, which is only, but skin-deep.

I have been following the turn of events with my White colleagues and legal minds from the Whiteman's land. Big Brother is watching the Supreme Court judges to see how credible, knowledgeable and professional they are in dispensing justice to Ghanaians. Asiedu Nketiah can perpetually exhibit his lack of intelligence for all to see through his macho mouth by spewing trash all of the time. Let him continually wallow in his ignorance and his "akuraase taa man" attitudes. There is time for everything.

Ghanaians, we must unite to resist these rogues and they will flee. Remember the message from the faceless, although an entity with audible voice, asking Kofi Basoah to inform the NPP to remain RESOLUTE (steadfast), the only way to know the true winner of the presidential Election 2012.

I wish Nana Yaw Sarpong, Peter, Mr. Atta Krufi, Abaawa Fabrics, Kwame Homerton, Kwame Peckham etc. a Prosperous New Year. Do not be dismayed, for there is light, even if glimmer, at the end of the tunnel. Believe in the dream by Kofi Basoah by remaining RESOLUTE in your determination to ensure justice is done. I pray you all to play and listen to the lyrics of the song "EQUAL RIGHTS" by the late Peter Tosh.

Rockson Adofo