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Opinions of Monday, 26 April 2021

Columnist: Adwoa Asiedu kyerewaa

'Beautiful Death'

It leaves us no choice because it’s the only option It leaves us no choice because it’s the only option

It knocks; unannounced pillaging the plight of the privileged and the underserved.

Really hard, piercing our hearts to wound.

What pain has it got to cause?

It ravages and takes away the ones we love.

Leaving loved ones behind.

It knows no for an answer.

Not regretting nor caring our existence.

Taking our loves…..Tearing our homes.

Our soul drenched in sorrow, as we bow with our fellows.

Nothing comes because all is gone….

And never do they come back.

We are left alone to carry this worldly load,

And there is nothing distasteful than the scars it created.

It is that land they go, the land we go and the land of bliss and bloom…. The

land of pain and grief… it’s the land we despise but of dwellings.

And even if we are not willing it finds faith in nature.

Taking our loves.....Tearing our homes.

Alone, traumatized by the tears and the solitude they leave us.

It leaves us no choice because it’s the only option.

We are afraid to see the light since the days dress us dark, but we quest to perceive the light.

Taking our loves…...Tearing our homes

A heartless creature by nature …

Stealthily steeling and stealing from what nature has blossomed.

And for that our hate for him has no measure.

To undo the harm done to nature.