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Opinions of Saturday, 15 July 2023

Columnist: Daniel Owusu

Becoming a teacher: A blessing to others

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Teaching is often considered a noble profession, which is not surprising, but people in our neighbourhoods do not accept it because the pay is low in the country we live in. It doesn't seem worth it. Behind every successful person are teachers who played an important role in shaping their lives. From instilling knowledge to shaping character, teachers have the power to make a lasting impression on their students. It may sound like hard work, but being a teacher is truly a blessing.

First of all, teachers have countless opportunities to change lives. In the classroom, he inspires, motivates and influences students to succeed. Whether students are struggling academically or facing personal challenges, teachers are there to provide support and encouragement. The satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your labour as students grow, progress and reach their goals is immeasurable.

In addition, becoming a teacher allows people to continuously learn and expand their knowledge. The educational process is not a one-way street, but a dynamic and interactive exchange of ideas. Teachers are expected to prepare lessons and provide new information while exploring and discovering deeper insights into the subject matter. The opportunity to continuously learn alongside your students is a privilege that no other profession can boast.

Becoming a teacher also gives a person valuable life skills. The ability to communicate effectively, manage groups, and solve problems are all essential in the teaching profession. These skills can be applied in many areas of life and make teachers versatile and adaptable to any situation. In addition, teachers' patience and compassion can have a positive effect on relationships outside the classroom and create a kinder and more empathetic society.

Additionally, as teachers, individuals have the power to foster learning motivation, creativity, and critical thinking in their students. By creating stimulating and nurturing environments, teachers can unlock their potential. The joy of seeing students develop a lifelong love of learning is so rewarding because it sets them on a path of continuous self-improvement.

Of course, being a teacher has its challenges. Long working hours, heavy workloads and often facing difficult situations can be exhausting. But it is in these challenges that teachers grow both professionally and personally. Overcoming these obstacles develops resilience, perseverance, and problem-solving skills that are valuable in all aspects of life.

In the end, being a teacher is a blessing in disguise and I would always choose teaching over any job without a second thought. Be proud of being a teacher and respect your work. If you do your job right, you will get paid, so don't look at your job through the payroll system.