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Opinions of Sunday, 16 December 2007

Columnist: Manful, Kweku

Behold Better Times Are Near; CPP Is Back!

Oh mother Ghana when will salvation come?

Mother Ghana when will your sons and daughters have real

economic, social and political freedom?

When they came to tell the story of our God and when we

believed, they give to us the rod.

Oh mother Ghana when will salvation come?

The struggle to liberate the land took a dramatic turn when you elected

a Saviour to redeem the land and beyond. You graced and equipped him with


unparalleled by any person in the land since creation. Your name was

changed from Gold Coast to Ghana. With it came real human, industrial

and infrastructural developments.

Nine years after your freedom, saboteurs sold their birth rights and

colluded with the aggressor to destabilize your progress.

The destabilization did not end there but continued later.

Oh Mother Ghana, you have been battered, bruised and betrayed by

graduates of Action Hall School of Infantry in Westminster;

Cadet School, Aldershot; Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst;

The School of Infantry, Hythe; RAF, all in United Kingdom.

These men in uniform were supposed to have protected you but

did not, instead, sold you to slavery once again.

As the torchbearer of Black race your destabilization affected and

continues to affect greatly the progress of your neighbours and the

black race.

Oh what a sabotage!

The saboteurs and the stooges abandoned farms to grow weeds;

laid off farm workers and left machinery to rust in the fields

after the destabilization;

and the rest was appropriated as the personal property by the nation

wreckers. Domestic food production dropped drastically while the

saboteurs went to their imperialist masters begging for food.

Infrastructure were deliberately auctioned, sold and destroyed.

Your children were publicly humiliated, imprisoned and killed for no

apparent reason.

Oh Mother Ghana when will salvation come?

Your natural resources have been obliterated,

The rivers that your children draw from have been polluted,

The air that hangs around your children has been polluted.

Your children are crying, they labour in vain. They have been told

to discard the produce you have blessed them with and rather buy

from overseas.

The hands that the creator gave your children have nothing to do.

They have no cure for common ailments and therefore die young.

Your children have no shelter over their heads and when the creator

pours down rains from above to bless them, they are washed away into

the sea and never seen again.

Oh mother Ghana when will salvation come?

For four decades your children have wandered and wallowed in the

wilderness for they have no leader to lead them. Some have left the

precious land and settled over across the seas. Their children may never


Almighty God, your children take comfort from your promise and plan.

A plan of good and not of evil to bless mother Ghana and redeem her once


Omniscient God, remind the wandering children of Ghana, both young

and old about what your greatest son and redeemer - Kwame Nkrumah

said on 2nd October, 1962 at the National Assembly.

He said:

" What makes a nations pillars high? Not gold, but only man can make.

A people great and strong... Men who for truth and honour's sake stand

Fast and suffer long.... To build a nation's pillars deep.

And lift them to the sky ".

Osagyefo Mmo, Your sons and daughters have heard you loud and clear.

Kokrokoooooo! Kokrokoooooo! Kokrokoooooo!

All Sons and Daughter of Nkrumah start coming home for the hour has come.

Come from the North, and the South, hurry from the East and the West.

Encamp at Tarkwa and stopover at Saltpond. Reassemble in Kumasi KN

University of Science & Technology on 15th day of December 2007.

All ye sons and daughters of Nkrumah come home and help build your father’s house.

Organise organize, organize, march on to the Castle and collect the

keys from the occupants who have supervised the demise of our great


For this is the rallying cry for a nation lost in the wilderness,

be it in peace or revolution.

Nkrumaists, say to the children of Ghana that they are men and women,

no longer cringing fools;

Oh mother Ghana your children demand a place, not like weak tools;

But among the world of great nations;

They demand a free self-governing state devoid of directions from


Directions that hurt the economy and turn good people into criminals.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Great CPP is awake; They tried to destroy us but failed.

She is calling her sons and daughters and none forsakes,

Cry it loud, and shout it hurrah! Time has come, so hail!

CPP, Africa needs you!

CPP now awake, rights to see:

We shall fight for dearest liberty.

History tells this awful, pungent truth,

CPP has come to rescue bleeding mother Ghana.

The great people of the north cry ho;

The great people of the south weep at night.

The great people of the east have no hope;

The great people of the west have become destitute.

The great people of the middle belt have no justice.

All wailing for CPP

Oh mother Ghana when shall salvation come?

From Kumasi all hands will join together;

They will fight and brave all death's weather,

Motherland to save, and make her free;

Spreading joy for all to live and see.

None shall turn us back, in freedom's name;

We go marching like men and women of purpose for in 2008 we

shall declare

“Free at last” “Free at Last” “Free at Last”

CPP shall in groups reassemble;

Rich and poor; the great and humble:

Justice shall be their rallying cry; Look for that day, coming,

surely soon,

When the sons and Daughter of Nkrumah will show no fear;

Behold, behold Better times are near;

Let us front the conflict and prepare;

Forget not the past; Contemplate your future by the experiences

you have had.

Our fathers wrought with faith divine;

So let us march in line; Believe in God;

Lift yourself; Lift your family; Lift your village;

Lift your town; Lift your city; Lift your region;

Lift mother Ghana!

Oh glorious CPP mighty men and women,

The homeland calls to you;

For Victory is near at hand,

So march ye with fontomfrom.

Wave high the Akokonini banner;

No foe shall win the glorious day,

Shout ye, and march and pray;

Our God is leading us.

March on and fear no storm. Our day is coming

For God on evil things will frown:

Tell the people everywhere you go that the Great CPP is back,


Forward Ever!!

Kweku Manful, Vice-Chair CPP North America

[email protected].