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Opinions of Saturday, 13 July 2013

Columnist: Akapule, Samuel Adadi

Better Life Aid and Tours Globalizes

Education in Ghana

Education is the backbone of every society and NGO Better Life Aid and Tours proactively advocates this statement, in collaboration with their mother country Ghana and the correspondence and connections they have through volunteers around the globe.

On June 28th 2013, Better Life Aid and Tours officially launched the beginning of their two year Education Frameworks initiative, to an eager audience of twenty public school representatives from ten carefully selected schools in the Bolgatanga Municipality. The not-for-profit organization Director, Edmond Atindaana impressed the audience with introducing the multifaceted operative arms within Better Life Aid and Tours; Agriculture, Health and Clean Water, Community Development and Leadership, Sponsorship and Mentorship, Tours and Volunteerism and Education.

The Education Frameworks initiative looks at devising a set of adaptable and applicable resource tools for both international and Ghanaian teachers providing all demographics of people within the current education systems, the opportunity to explore new ideologies and methodologies to education. Challenging students and teachers alike to think creatively and freely, be innovative and imaginative with their respective resources and most importantly provide a safe and modernized environment; where students are rewarded for good behavior and archaic brutal discipline becomes a thing of the past.

International Volunteers Bryeanna Kelley from the USA and Monique Power from Australia were present to give global perspectives to the newly introduced initiative; looking specifically at comparisons and experiences in education both in Ghana and their respective countries. Monique Power observes “Students in Ghana are not encouraged to use their own initiative. In my experience education is not about the resources you have readily available, but rather the methods and ideas you practice when connecting with your students. Some of life’s greatest lessons can be taught without a book, a pen and a desk; we must be creative and imaginative, only then will we get incredible results”. -