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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Columnist: Puo-ire, Prosper

Betty Mould Iddrisu Is Blameless.

A Press Conference By The Coalition Of Youth For Positive National Development (Cypond -Wa, Upper West Region) – 23/03/2015

Betty Mould Iddrisu Is Blameless.

Cypond has been provoked into holding this press engagement following the forgoing discussions in the media with relations to the payment of judgment debt to Mr. Alfred Agbesi Wayome, the institution of legal action to retrieve monies paid to Mr. Wayome and most recently, the acquittal and discharge of Mr. Wayome from the criminal suit of defrauding by false pretences and willfully causing financial lost to the state.

CYPOND has made its clear opinion with regards to this controversy from its genesis. Our opinion has been that, this whole judgment debt brouhaha was sparked by the erstwhile President Kufour government, when they perverted due diligence as instituted by the Central Tender Committee set up to work on the procurement of stadia for the CAN 2008 tournament. We still find it unfathomable that, the regime that superintended the can2008 tournament breached the public procurement act 633 with impunity by abrogating all the processes that the Tender board had initiated and went ahead to award the contract for the construction of the stadia to the Shanghai Group which never took part in the bidding process, before the closure of bids on 7/02/2005.Several nagging questions surround the award of contract for the CAN 2008 stadia construction to the Shanghai Group:

1. What precipitated the abrogation of the tender process for the construction of the stadia?

2. What prompted the then Deputy Sports Minister (Hon. O.B Amoah ) to write to Waterville Holding ( in a letter dated 6/02/2006 ) granting the latter permission to mobilize to the construction sites and begin work on the construction of the Accra, Kumasi and El-Wak stadia ?

3. What caused the abrogation of this early arrangement between the government of Ghana and Water Ville Holding Limited?

4. What informed the choice of Shanghai Group when by all indications; they had failed to meet the requirements of the Public procurement act?

5. Did the contractual agreement between the government of Ghana and Shanghai group pass through the appropriate channel as prescribed by our laws with regards to International competitive bidding processes? If not, is it not the case that the State wrongfully paid Shanghai Group when the State had no valid contract with them? (Since no parliamentary approval was sought).
Ladies and gentlemen, in a country that is widely taunted as a beacon of democracy and rule of law, we find it difficult understanding why some individuals have always sought to pervert justice and injure the rule of law by flagrantly disregarding due processes and seeking to twist issues for their whims and caprices.
We are saddened that some individuals have sought in the fore going discussions on Wayome issue tried to taint the hard won reputation of Hon. Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu who by all indication, is faultless and free of every blemish in this Wayome saga. It is our opinion that the vociferous voices in the rather naive call for the incarceration of Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu are ill borne and tantamount to a pre meditated wish of tarnishing the hard won reputation of a woman that has distinguished herself in both public and private life at national and international levels. Beyond her innocence, in this matter, Hon Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu demonstrated humility and good leadership by voluntarily resigning from government as Ghana’s Education Minister to pave way for an uncompromised investigation into this Wayome saga. She has since then never been sighted culpable of compromising her position in government or having any personal interest in Wayome case. Why then should people continue to drag her name in mud?
We associate ourselves with the thoughts of Justice Ajet- Nasam as espoused in his ruling that “Hon Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu acted on solid grounds”. As Attorney General, she acted within the remits of the law, conducted widespread consultations, with all the relevant authorities and institutions, prompting her advice to government to settle Mr. Wayome.
We are therefore astonished that some individuals seek to make political capital from a purely administrative issue as this.
In conclusion, CYPOND wish to laud Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu, for the maturity and professionalism she exhibited in her stewardship as Ghana’s first female Attorney General. We particularly acclaim her for her humility and motherliness in the midst of enduring unfair criticisms. We believe the widespread media outrage and vituperations poured on her are mis directed, disingenuous and without charity. As a development oriented youth group in the Upper West Region, CYPOND pledges our unflinching support for Hon Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu and will not countenance any individual or group of persons who seek to bring her hard won reputation to disrepute in this matter. We entreat everyone that has taken interest in this Wayome judgment debt saga to drop their political lenses, obtain the veracity of the case before hasting to make public statements that are not insulated from parochial interest. We equally call on the Attorney Generals department to seek reasons for the termination of the CAN 2008 stadia procurement processes and bring culpable persons to book. Thank you.

Puo-ire Prosper