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Opinions of Sunday, 30 September 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

Beware of Former President Mahama’s sugar-coated words

Former President John Dramani Mahama Former President John Dramani Mahama

Now that the people of Ghana are enjoying a genuine and competent leadership that will put their interest first; a leadership that will jealously guard the resources of the state, and use them to implement policies and programmes that will inure to the benefit of all Ghanaians and not few cronies and family members, somebody like former president Mahama who is locked at the backyard is thinking of coming back to finish the limited resources left behind.

Former president Mahama felt he has done much for Ghanaians intems of political leadership. Political leadership means is taking the right decisions to affect the development of your people and implementation of sound programmes and policies to improve upon the socio-economic wellbeing of the people. Effective political leadership is not just about taxing the people and borrowing money to carry out normal infrastructural projects, such as construction of roads, hospitals and schools. This is a duty anybody, including even “apampam” store operators, can do on behalf of the state.

President Mahama has done more than enough to convince Ghanaians that he represents all that bad leadership can offer a nation: a leadership that is not decisive; a leadership that takes the people for granted and employs lies, deceit and propaganda as its major tool in dealing with the people; a leadership that has virtually no clue as to how to tackle the basic problems confronting the country; a leadership that is only interested in creating opportunities for cronies to steal the people’s money; and a leadership only interested in the next election and not the next generation.

This is the sorry picture of leadership being offered the nation now by President Mahama. And that is why majority of Ghanaians believe the time for a change was due and cannot be delayed beyond 2016. Indeed God effected the change for so many reasons including the above mentioned ones, God only answer prayers of those who have genuine complaints and not self - seeking individuals who at the back of their mind haboured bad intention capable of bringing the nation down to it knees.

The worst aspect of all of above is that he thinks that his performance has been excellent. He has ridiculously compared his achievements to Kwame Nkrumah after the worst performance. The implication is that he would not change his course (approach or his incompetent team) if he is given the mandate again to rule this country. The consequences may be worse. Ghanaians must be rope into his sugar-coated words and explanations, is just a smart way of deceiving people for their vote. Beware of the corrupt man, beware of the incompetent man, beware of the master of promises and beware of a lier before you.