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Opinions of Monday, 24 November 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Blame “Ashanti Nana” For the Present Precarious State of Ghana

My Nigerian friend, Benson, in London, and a lawyer by profession, calls Asantehene as Ashanti Nana. He finds it more difficult pronouncing Asantehene than Ashanti Nana. This is just by the way.

Who do we blame for the current regrettable and ruinous economic state of Ghana where nothing seems to work admirably but very deplorably? All Ghanaians are partly to blame, but one person must be singled out for blame. In my most candid opinion, he is nobody, other than our own King, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, formerly in private life as Kwaku Duah, once a fellow Ghanaian hustler in London (UK) and Toronto (Canada).

Why do we have to blame him? The answer is not farfetched. Do you remember the nefarious roles he played before, during and after Election 2012 that facilitated the ascendency of then presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama to the presidency?

He summoned Nana Akufo Addo, the NPP presidential candidate and John Dramani Mahama and other stakeholders to his Manhyia Palace in Kumasi on the pretence of negotiating peace among them to ensure the predominance of peace and unity in Ghana after the elections. He had his own selfish and pre-arranged agenda as later developments or events have turned out to confirm.

During the Supreme Court proceedings on Election 2012 petition filed by Nana Akufo Addo and Co. following the blatant irregularities, omissions and commissions by the Electoral Commission that led to the rigging of the election in favour of John Dramani Mahama, all Ghanaians saw the role Ashanti Nana played. He contacted Nana Akufo Addo and prevailed upon him to accept whatever verdict the Supreme Court pronounces.

Was it not rumoured, or alleged nationally that he intervened; bribing some of the Supreme Court Judges to declare the verdict in favour of John Mahama? From the live telecast of the court proceedings, coupled with the numerous instances of fumbling by Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan (Chairman of the Electoral Commission), Johnson Asiedu Nketiah (NDC General Secretary) and their lawyers and the prejudicially intimidating attitudes assumed by Justice William Atuguba, the presiding judge, there was no wonder that people believed foul play had taken place when the verdict was declared.

From what the public saw and the difficulty of William Atuguba to offering a detail report on his judgment pronouncement rather than his meaninglessly sketchy views as expressed within less than eight minutes, there was no doubt that the foxy Ashanti Nana had had a hand in it. If he had not induced the judges with bribes as alleged, John Mahama would never have become the President of Ghana to mess up Ghana as we now see it. Ghanaians will not have been so cursed with the disastrously near-institutional corruption as being now visibly experienced to the detriment of Ghanaians in general, under John Mahama's administration.

I can excuse Mahama for his cluelessness, incompetence, corruption and whatever weaknesses associated with him that have brought Ghana to her knees; to the point of Ghana government being on the brink of accusation of dealing in cocaine as recent events involving a Ghanaian lady arrested at London Heathrow airport seem to suggest.

However, I can never excuse or exonerate Asantehene from blame. He is himself corrupt and I have abundant evidence to prove my point. He has been abusing his position and the discretionary powers accorded him to adjudicate cases brought before him. I have a video tape of which someone, has put same out on the YouTube under the heading "Asantehene involves in corruption" Additionally, I have documents supporting the fact that Ashanti Nana has infringed the traditional and statutory laws of Ghana with impunity.

He claims to have developed tough skin that permits him to do whatever he likes in Ghana without anyone able to tell him anything. He has become like "Osuo Abrobo3" in his film "I Told You SO" where he says, "I don't fear huuu!"

Asantehene is the root cause of the problems Ghanaians are facing under the most corrupt regime Ghana has ever had since gaining her independence from the British Colonial masters.

Ghanaians, please do not spare him of blame. As I speak, my sister in Switzerland is in touch with a White University professor, taking a copy of my letter sent to one of the most reputable world organizations to him. With a copy of the video tape and the relevant documents citing the laws in place that he has broken, his corruption executed against Kumawuman will be published in a foreign newspaper. Other steps will also be taken against him. All is to ensure he desists from his roguish attitudes to respect the laws of the land.

The NDC political cloak he is wearing at the moment that makes him feel insulated against whatever the mind can imagine of, will only last him a while but not forever, he must note.

Should we allow this unrepentant soul, who is mired in his bad ways, to continue to inflict his lawlessness on all Ghanaians with impunity, all of the time? No, we shouldn't.

Until Ashanti Nana renders unreserved apology to Ghanaians and especially, the people of Kumawuman, for his evil acts committed against them, I shall never spare him the rod to further spoil him. I shall crack the whip on his back every day that I have the opportunity to do so.

I dedicate this publication to all right-thinking Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo