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Opinions of Sunday, 31 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Blame Rawlings for the Current Unprecedented Corruption

Rawlings MUST bow down his head in shame for the ongoing unprecedented gargantuan official corruption in Ghana. He must also come out to apologise to Ghanaians for having unleashed such a socio-economic canker on Ghanaians.

Rawlings, on 15 May 1979 staged an abortive coup d'état intended to get rid of the then Supreme Military Council 2 (SMC 2) government headed by Lt. General Fred Akufo. He saw, and was bitter, about the government deeply involving in corruption. To him, and those many others with me inclusive, we blamed the SMC 1 by the ex-late Head of State General I. K. Acheampong and the SMC 2 by Lt. General F. Akufo for bringing untold economic and financial hardships on Ghanaians.

Nevertheless, the problems Ghanaians complained about under the SMC regimes that made us hail Rawlings as a Hero and Saviour (Junior Jesus) pale to nothing compared to the sufferings, intimidations, corruptions and lawlessness, visited on Ghanaians during the PNDC/NDC regimes under Rawlings. The problems under Rawlings on the other hand are also insignificant if not completely nothing; compared to the unprecedented ones we are going through under the Mills/Mahama and Mahama/Arthur-Amissah NDC-led governments.

Before proceeding any further, I personally apologise to all Ghanaians both born and unborn, for my part played in supporting Rawlings in principle and spirit on the overthrow of the SMC 2 regime. Nonetheless, I never ever supported him for executing the military leaders at that time. I disowned him the very day he executed the first batch of those leaders even though, other fellow Ghanaians, especially the then University students of youthful exuberance, were calling for more blood to flow saying, "J. J. let the blood flow". I invite all these compatriots to join me to bury our heads in shame, and ask for forgiveness of sins not only from God, but also, from all those Ghanaians who never shared our supportive view of Rawlings. Let us render sincere apology to all those that were not born by then, or were too young to understand what was happening.

Rawlings has actually done far worse to Ghanaians than what the regimes he overthrew did. The combined evils done to Ghana by both the two SMCs and Dr. Hilla Limann's PNP governments are nothing compared to what the late President Mills/Mahama and Mahama/Arthur-Amissah NDC-led governments have done, and continue to do, to Ghana. They have not only brought untold economic and financial hardships to bear upon Ghanaians but also, continue to bring the nation to her feet. The nation is now stooping, owing to the unexpected but continual infliction of corruption by her leaders on her.

Mahama and his team of the Ghanaian version of the Arabian "Ali Baba and his forty Thieves" are persistently plundering the coffers of the country. "Na who cause am, Oga", a Ghanaian pidgin speaker may ask? It is Rawlings who has brought about all this mess. In the heat of his two coup d'états and his subsequent aspirations to entrench himself as the life president of Ghana, he desperately began to work with crooks, thieves and people of questionable characters but who he thought, and hoped, could defend him, help him prop his position. He then rewarded daringly wicked persons like the macho men he helped trained, with promotion and administrative positions, provided they were championing his cause.

Rawlings' bad administrative policies have been inherited by, and seeped through to; the subsequent NDC administrations headed by the late President John Evans Fiifi Kakra Atta Mills and Caretaker-President John Dramani Mahami. They have also been rewarding people for being crooks, thieves, corrupt and wicked, provided they are working in the interest of the NDC party, NDC government, and the President. No wonder therefore that the nation is sinking while Mahama watches and crooks still swindling Ghana out of millions of Ghana New Cedis.

Alfred Agbesi Woyome is now laughing; escaping to the US with the millions of Cedis he so dubiously stole from Ghana.

Rawlings executed by firing squad Air-Vice Marshal Yaw Boakye for genuinely borrowing then 50,000 Cedis from a bank or taking a bank loan of C50, 000. Now, his NDC party members are not borrowing but stealing million times over and above what Yaw Boakye from Ejisu borrowed. Rawlings is now sitting with mouth agape, drivelling without saying a word but watching as though, he is deprived of energy and his senses through some sort of stroke.

He should do whatever is within his capacity to stop the nonsensical thievery unstoppably embarked upon by his Corrupt, Lawless, Incompetent, Mediocre and Bastardised (CLIMB) NDC party and government. Ghanaians are really fed up with that nonsense.

It is unfortunate, that Ghanaians are forced to partake in the sour fruits from the poisonous trees planted by Rawlings. "The end justifies the means", so an adage goes. The end of Rawlings' adventurous quest for, or usurpation of, power, has faulted the means he used to ascend to, and sought to entrench himself in power.

I hope Togbe Avaklasu Rawlings will not hesitate to apologise to Ghanaians as requested and also, rein in his NDC government and party members he describes as "Greedy bastards, Babies with sharp teeth and Old Evil dwarfs"

Rockson Adofo