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Opinions of Friday, 24 January 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Blame the On-going ills in Ghana on William Atuguba (JSC)

?Is the Rawlings’ so-called celebrated Supreme Court judge, William Atuguba, still
walking down the streets of Accra a proud man? I hope he perpetually bows down his
head drowned in shame until he kicks the bucket.?Every civilized person the world
over that watched the live telecast of the Supreme Court proceedings on Election
2012 petition could conveniently predict the outcome of the case - going in favour
of the petitioners – Nana Akufo Addo, Dr Bawumia and Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey. With all
the lies told by Kwadwo Afari Gyan, the Electoral Commissioner, and Johnson Asiedu
Nketiah, the General Secretary of NDC, while in the witness box, William Atuguba
colluding with four other Supreme Court judges still found credibility in their
arguments that were pregnant with lies and insanities.?I have written copiously
about Atuguba but I shall not spare him the rod at any window of opportunity. I do
not personally value him as any credible Supreme Court
judge but a "galamsey" judge seeking a quick buck. As shameless as he is, he was
rather accusing politicians of being "galamsey" politicians ready to escape from
the country once they have fomented upheaval in the country by their selfish and
myopic aspirations.?Was it not Atuguba himself who went into hiding after
delivering that corrupt verdict on a landmark case? Was he not the same one to flee
Ghana to the USA like a terrified dog scurrying from danger with his tail tucked
in-between his legs? ?If he was in the UK, he would have been put on trial, found
guilty of perverting the course of justice, sacked from his job and imprisoned long
ago. There is a judge currently on trial in London. She is one Constance
Briscoe,56. "She has been suspended from her job and is on trial accused of lying
to police about how she allegedly helped Ms Pryce reveal to the press that she took
speeding points for Mr Huhne in 2003. Briscoe, who has been suspended since
her arrest in October 2012, denies three counts of intending to pervert the course
of public justice".
?In the civilized Whiteman’s land, Atuguba and his likes would not even be High
Court judges let alone, becoming Supreme Court judges. This conclusion is from the
way they presented their views in their written verdict statements. Atuguba’s
demeanour throughout the hearing was appalling, partial and disgraceful.?I shall be
coming hard on him, revealing the dangers his verdict presents in any future general
elections. He makes only rogues like Rawlings proud but not discerning Ghanaians
like Rockson Adofo who has established how dangerous and corrupt his views are.?He
had the chance to rescue Ghana and the entire Africa from perpetration and
perpetuation of corruption by the government, but he chose otherwise, to wallow in
corruption himself. If he had delivered the correct verdict following the
credibility of submitted evidential documents as seen on live telecast, he would
have from that day nailed corruption and abuse of power by our Ghanaian
and African political leaders in the coffin. He rather chose to let the golden
opportunity slip through his porous hands, as corrupt as he is himself.?All the
on-going financial problems, economic woes, and the mismanagement of the affairs of
the nation by John Mahama must be blamed on William Atuguba and his other four
musketeers. They know themselves. Shame on them! Rockson Adofo?