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Opinions of Monday, 19 June 2017

Columnist: Goodnuff Appiah Larbi

'Blood tears of concerned citizens'

President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Hmm! aah! Aww! Are shocking sounds that have turned to sadden the citizenry in the first six months reign of NPP-led by Nana Akufo-Addo. So many occurring events recently have stunned the citizens of Ghana and foreigners as well. The insecurity is making Ghana an unfriendly destination for investors hence no confidence in doing business in the country any longer. There are even cancellation of trips by some known people all because of insecurity.

A country which is known as Nkrumah's peaceful Ghana is now full of daily surprises! We're known as one of the most peaceful nations in the world but recent happenings under the carpets are preposterous. These have led to the ‘blood tears’ of the citizenry pleading with the government to act quickly by setting laws and enforcing "the laws" in dealing with those law breakers.

However, it seems the government is still sitting on the fence. "As if it is working, as if it doesn't care" is what we are experiencing now. There are fears and terror in every place in Ghana now. In this critical era it is becoming hard for citizens to enjoy life fully since wicked men and impostors have advanced from bad to worse.

Many citizens have been victims of wicked people such as violent bullies, hateful bigots and vicious criminals. Some are openly wicked while others are imposters, hiding what they do under an appearance of rectitude. Even if we are not victims, such evil acts still affect us. We feel the panic and sickened at heart when we see and hear horrible acts of the criminals. The manner in which elderly brutalize children, and other defenceless ones fill us with great horror. These acts portray a spirit that seems sub-human, animalistic and even demonic.

Is our country truly religious? Ghana is full of churchgoers and Mosquegoers, with religion visible and audibly prevalent in our entire societies but yet we hate each other for unthinkable reasons; I say even "traditionalists have good morals compared to those claiming they truly worship God". We have been brought up to love the whites and have deep hatred for our own black people. Nkrumah's Ghana never used to be like this, till now when sycophant political leaders have taken the mantle to lead selfishly.

Our system continues to breed nurses who maltreat patients and sometimes treat them as "mucus". Drivers, who deliberately fail to service their vehicles, drive carelessly without respect for human lives causing accidents and claiming lives of Ghanaians. Officers who ask for envelop before giving help to the needy. We throw rubbish around in gutters and on the streets thereby destroying the beauty of our environment. The lynching of our own citizens for stealing GH¢1.50, sheep, chickens etc. Tribal wars between our own people, blackmailing our people for nothing, imposing heavy tax onto the layman, helping foreigners in stealing our rich natural resources. Lawlessness and insecurity are rampant and Ghana is now somehow called a failed state by some activists. Imagine a nation where vigilante groups are given priority than security service, vigilante groups that vandalize state properties and cause Mayhem?

It seems now the respect and fear for our security service has fallen into a dark pit. A nation where civilians can send threats to security services to face them. Innocent Ghanaians are being brutalized and killed on daily basis. Assault and murder are seen as normal in this country we call a peaceful nation. Actually, our country is full of pains and if the government continues to be adamant and fails to put up measures to cut short to these chaos created by the vigilante groups, some ghetto youths et al, we will one day wake up and Ghana will be declared as a turmoil nation.

Mr. President, please do something to avert this. A soldier who didn't die on the battle field. He didn't die from a disease, he died at the hands of the people he swore to protect. That is how wicked and terrible our nation is now known. This wickedness, barbarism, cruelty and corruption need to be stop!

Our politics of retaliation instead of reconciliation are factually empty and frivolous. We have seen all vengeance, all schemes against opposition which doesn’t speak well of our democracy. We need measures that can annihilate this evil acts and create peace for the people instead of fears. We need an atmosphere and economy to exult other than this austerity economy which can't help achieve that. The sluggishness of this economic state is annoying.

Where are the economists in this government? They can’t deceive us as true economists when they ignore Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Our roads with many potholes unfilled instead of finding solutions to that, towing levy is being imposed onto the citizenry. The little I know in economics, we find solutions to the needs before we think about wants. Isn't it whimsically illogic to impose towing levy on the citizens while the "man holes" and potholes are left unfilled on our roads?

We live in a state full of wrongdoing. Immoral, dishonest and brutally violent deeds seem to saturate this system of things where many wish to scarper and seek asylum elsewhere. It has become herculean task for parents in particular to shield their children from such wrongdoing. The entertainment industry seems to become ever more skilful at glamorizing all kinds of wrongdoing while making mockery of right and wrong. As citizens, we need to fight to protect our integrity in an atmosphere that promotes respect to our democracy.

Mr. President we know you as a gem of promises in our era. As Dr. James Kwegyir Aggrey said “don't tell me what you know; show me what you can do". It’s time you prove to Ghanaians that what you said while in opposition wasn't just empty promises. "Do something before you die" as they say. Listen to the voice of the poor and desolate! If soldiers and police officers can't feel safe in Ghana now, what about the ordinary man walking along the street?

For the 110 populous ministers, I will keep mute on that, their work will be justified by the end of 2020, before then it will be sagacious to mull over Ecclesiastes 7:19; "Wisdom makes a wise man more powerful than ten strong men in a city".

Mr. President as you will agree 100% with the fact that melancholic people don't talk much hence ponder on the cries of ordinary Ghanaian and come out with pragmatic solutions to curb our problems.