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Opinions of Thursday, 14 May 2020

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Boakye Gyan must get his facts right and stop pandering to NDC's fears

Major Osahene Boakye Gyan (rtd) Major Osahene Boakye Gyan (rtd)

The retired army Major Boakye Gyan, an arch-partaker in the June 1979 Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) coup d'état that overthrew the Supreme Military Council II (SMC II) government headed by General Akuffo, has made some erroneous and threatening statements that need correction.

He had said on Asempa radio on Tuesday, 12 May 2020, that the NPP government led by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo intentionally got rid of former Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, to pave way for NPP to rig election 2020. Additionally, the NPP government is in bed with the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Jean Mensah, on the compilation of a new voter register all with intent to rig election 2020 in favour of the NPP, he alleged.

Major Boakye Gyan went on to assert that should Mrs Jean Mensah intransigently pursue her agenda of registering the Ghanaian electorate afresh for the compilation of a new voter roll for election 2020 and all subsequent national elections, there will surely be a civil war in Ghana.

He queries, sorry to say, same stupidly as any other NDC faithful vehemently expressing their dissatisfaction with the possible compilation of a new voter register for election 2020, by saying, what is the need for a new voter register since it is the same current one deemed by many a discerning Ghanaian and NPP as bloated hence not fit for purpose, that was used to elect then presidential-candidate Nana Akufo-Addo for him to become the current President of Ghana?

I have published some reasons why there is a need for a new voter register so I had better reproduce two web links of such publications to avoid spending my precious time going over them again. Briefly, some people had been accepted to register onto the current voter roll using National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) card as their Ghana National identification.
However, the NHIS card was issued, and is still being issued, to anyone in Ghana, both natives, legal and illegal immigrants, needing to access the free healthcare facility in the country. Therefore, the purpose of only people of Ghanaian nationality and are of sound mind that are allowed to vote at national elections has been negated by the fact of the broad acceptance of NHIS card to register them onto the voter roll.

How, and why, should registering Ghanaians onto the electoral register culminate in civil war? Civil War is defined as "war between political factions or regions within the same country". Major Boakye Gyan should rather have encouraged every Ghanaian to go and register, the conditions being favourable, where the novel coronavirus 9Covid-19) will have been brought under control since the benefits to the nation for registering people afresh far outweighs using the current register for the many reasons I had explained in my previous articles. He should not be threatening the nation with civil war, knowing how civil wars have devastated many an African country.

If someone is in the wrong, better tell it to their face and explain why, to correct them, rather than supporting their cause because they are capable of wreaking havoc on the nation hence we had better always yield in to their demands no matter how preposterous they may be. No, this is not right, or else, evil will forever triumph in Ghana to bring us to our knees only to be controlled and absurdly manipulated by superior outsiders, foreigners so to speak.

The NPP are not pushing Mrs Jane Mensah to come out with a new voter register. She, with the entire members of the Electoral Commission or the senior members of the Commission, have for some cogent professional reasons, decided on Ghana having a new voter register. It must come on should the Covid-19 pandemic abate in its spread and deadliness.

The NDC must not be allowed anymore to hold the nation to ransom by their machismo but insane threats. How will the new voter register affect their chances at the election as long as their members can equally have free access to register as long as they are genuine Ghanaians?

The new machines and all the mechanisms in place will not be unfair to any eligible Ghanaian, therefore, the fears being hyped by the NDC have no sound foundation. I have queried their fears in the underlying previous publication.

Major Boakye Gyan, I invite you to apologise to Ghanaians for threatening the nation with a civil war. Are you not too old to hold a gun to fight unlike in 1979 when you were young and agile? Why are almost all the NDC faithful having same awkward typical machismo mentality only befitting irrational beings hence always giving us up for exploitation by the civilized whites? Because of our weird Ghanaian mentality, even a Nigerian is able to come from Nigeria to Ghana to lord themselves over us. Are we that stupid, sorry to ask?

I, Rockson Adofo, the no-nonsense son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil will not countenance any inward-looking expressions that will not serve the best collective interests of Ghanaians, from whoever. It is about time we pursued an agenda that will liberate Ghanaians, and by extension, black people or Africans, from humiliating foreign dominance.

I invite my readers to read my next publication on how there is an alleged agenda to gradually exterminate Africans. This should alarm us to cease our selfish and parochial corrupt attitudes to enriching ourselves to rather pursue a collective selfless cause for our very survival as a human race, irrespective of being subhuman in the eyes of others.

Major Boakye Gyan, please come back to apologise before I take you to the cleaners. Yes, you have the right to express your opinion but not to the point of inciting people to take up arms to destroy people and the nation when the Chinese's determination to re-colonise Africa is staring us in the face.