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Opinions of Friday, 7 September 2012

Columnist: Kabu, Solomon

Boateng Gyan And The NDC Are Crafty And Canny

To assert that I am embarrassed and ashamed by the diabolic and reckless nicodemus pronouncement of the NDC National Organizer and Presidential staffer, Mr. Yaw Boateng Gyan would be an understatement.

Personally I have huge respect for Mr. Gyan but I am disappointed in him. He has tarnished his image, lost credibility and exposed the crafty and canny nature of himself and the NDC as a political party.

The rationale for this article is to draw our attentions to the crafty and canny nature of the NDC clothed in vile propaganda and deceit targeted at denigrating their political opponents and offering very insignificant achievements taking into account the overwhelming resources and solid foundation they came to meet in 2009. On the other hand, they are quick to eulogise and project certain personalities within their party as apostles of peace and angels whiles in the quite they execute their vices. Enough of feigns and hypocritical conducts of the NDC. We don’t need leaders who will fake to the cameras and the public and indulge in unscrupulous activities. We need an honest leader with the requisite competence and a formidable proposition to the industrialisation and transformation of our country and that cannot be over emphasised.

I wouldn’t want to repeat all what Mr. Boateng Gyan said to his hoodlums since it’s already in the public domain. However, critical questions would still be asked and we demand answers and swift actions thereof.

Questions begging for answers in the leaked “NDC Special Forces” tape: 1. Who were the hoodlums who abused the National Security Identification cards in the past? Impersonation and acting as security operatives whiles you are not is criminal.

2. Who were those planted in the security structure? “I have some boys I am working with but now it is hard getting them planted.” Mr. Gyan revealed.

3. What mandate does Dr. Kwabena Duffuor have to dole out monies to miscreants to be recruited into the Special Forces which is under the Ghana Armed Forces? It couldn’t be his personal money because Mr. Gyan said “When they gave me the money and I was leaving, it was the Finance Minister himself who called me and called the Finance Director, and told him that as for you, you always come here talking about somebody, you have never spoken about yourself. So I said I have some boys I am working with but now it is hard getting them planted. So he said ok, bring this, bring this and let me get some money for you so that you give it to them.”

As a very young political activist, I am very saddened and it is incumbent on the security agencies especially the National Security to redeem their soiled image and the little credibility left under this administration. These creations of structural disequilibrium in our various systems are very shameful and frightening importantly as the 2012 general elections is nigh.

Ronald Reagan said “Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we’ve ever known.” To Mr. President John Mahama, this is an opportunity for you to walk your talk. Those days where a certain President talked peace whiles his followers practice violence is past, show leadership now!

Because of share political preponderance, Mr. Yaw Boateng Gyan would be left off the hook since our systems are failing to act. If it were an opponent the police and the other security operatives would have caused an arrest with alacrity. Oh mother Ghana!

Do we the youth and Ghanaians deserve this type of government and governance? Hell NO!

Let us all be careful and appreciate the value of the peace and stability we have been enjoying over 20 years now. The International Communities and the world are watching us, let us prove that we can because we cannot afford to destabilize this promising country. Let us change and move mother Ghana forward.

God bless us all.

Solomon A. Kabu ([email protected])