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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Columnist: Ekow Arthur-Aidoo

Book Review: Samreboi; in the middle of the west African rainforest.

samreboi in the middle of the West African Rainforest samreboi in the middle of the West African Rainforest

This is a review of Isaac Ato Mensah’s book titled SAMREBOI: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEST AFRICAN RAINFOREST.

The story chronicle’s Ato Mensah’s experience in one of the oldest surviving and most popular timber firms in Ghana - Samartex, within the Western North Region of Ghana, West Africa.

More to the point, the book details the timber harvesting, processing and electricity and water production that has kept the town thriving all this while.

As of 2012 when the book was written, the town of 2500 people did not generate enough wood waste for electricity production.

Today, Galamsey has taken over the town.

Another participant observer may need to visit the town and tell us the challenges - no, problems - that Akonta Mining and other Galamseyers are posing to water production in the town.

Thus the book highlights sustainable use of forest resources.

The book is organised into “Days” instead of chapters with each day dedicated to an aspect of timber production.

Perhaps if we have many model forest towns such as Samreboi that are well managed through public private partnership, illegal mining and forestry will be a thing of the past.

Isaac Ato Mensah’s epic book SAMREBOI: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEST AFRICAN RAINFOREST is available on Amazon KDP Unlimited for free or for direct purchase at US$2.99.