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Opinions of Monday, 23 January 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Bravo to prodigal son Lucky Mensah

By Rockson Adofo

Lucky Mensah, a popular and famous Ghanaian musician has performed remarkably during and after Election 2016, the favourable result of whic0h has brought Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to power.

I see him always as a prodigal son with regards to his previously airtight affiliation to the unprecedentedly corrupt John Evans Atta Mills/John
Dramani Mahama and John Dramani Mahama/Arthur-Amissa NDC-led governments.

As soon as he realised his mistake of letting Ghana and Ghanaians down by his NDC political persuasion, by not only making them campaign-winning songs but also, vigorously and enthusiastically socialising with them at all levels, he backtracked.

He might have said to himself, I am ashamed of associating myself with such a corrupt, lawless and callous group of persons called the NDC.

As the biblical prodigal son remorsefully and apologetically went back to his father's house after his frivolous wastage of his share of his father's wealth; resultantly going hungry and doing menial job, so has Lucky Mensah returned to the fold (NPP) where he rightly belongs. The biblical prodigal son had to look after a certain rich farmer's pigs, eat from the same feed given to the pigs and had to spend hours on end in the pigsty.

He asked himself, why shouldn't I go back to my father's house; plead with him to pardon me as his labourers even live a much better life than my present precarious state? He went back; he was pardoned and warmly embraced back into the family. He remained a reformed son since afterwards.

Similarly had Lucky Mensah not only come back but also, made both campaign and winning (“Aseda”) songs for now President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo and NPP. Like the prodigal son in the bible, he is completely reformed. In my view, if I am not being harsh with him or overly praising him, I shall again compare him to the biblical Saul who became Paul and strenuously defended the very people and cause he had been persecuting hence referred to in the Ghanaian Akan proverb as, Paul a wama nntem nanso wosen adikanfo.

Literally, it means, although Paul came later when compared to the earlier apostles or disciples of Jesus Christ, he performed much better than most of them in the propagation of the Christian gospel.

I recommend his NPP campaign and thanksgiving (“Aseda”) songs to all Ghanaians.

In the same breath, let me express my gratitude to all the musicians (Daddy Lumba, Kwame A-Plus, Nana Kwame Ampadu, Diana Asamoah, Aseibu Amanfi, Ampong, Manfred, Kwabena Kwabena et al) as well as the film actors and actresses, especially, Agya Koo and his Agenda 57% group who rallied solidly behind Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to make kicking President Mahama and NDC out of power a reality. May God bless all of you and reward you handsomely for your time, energy and money spent on the campaign and election of Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to come to save Ghanaians from the horrendous corruption that has come to engulf Ghana.

The underlying links sourced from the YouTube take you to Lucky Mensah’s beautiful songs. Please readers, listen to them.