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Opinions of Saturday, 25 July 2015

Columnist: Mensah, George Opoku

Brazil to build a Ghanaian community with asylum seekers

Brazil to build a Ghanaian community with asylum seekers –Ambassador Vida Gala

Brazilian ambassador to Ghana Irene Vida Gala says her country will capitalize on Ghanaian asylum seekers to build a Ghanaian community in Brazil.
Her Excellency made the pronouncement in an exclusive up-close interview with George Opoku Mensah (Agudey) shaft fm news editor.

Q: Why were you not allowed to board the Brazilian navy ship that was travelling to African 25 years ago?

Why I didn't have to ship of the Brazilian navy was because I was a woman .At that time I was the best student in diplomat school so I had to travel with them but gender issues got me denied. Is interesting because after some 25 years now things have changed now, more women are being allowed into the navy ,military and we have women who are ambassador just like me .

Q: What would you have done besides politics because researching about you l found out you were much into books ?
I love reading and I think that whatever we do has to base on some knowledge .so I read most of the time I spent when am not working I like to read about different subject philosophy ,history ,but I also love music I don't know more of Ghanaian music but I am more into classical music ,Brazilian music . I also love fantasy and creativity.

Q:At a point in time you wanted join in your family business making Glasses?
Oh My God you went into my life .My parent use to have a company but it was a family business. I was in law school and I wanted to do cooperate business and wanted to work in the company .It was a male dominated company so they said as a female I will not be allowed to work in the I have gone through a lot of barriers and then I joined the public service here am I now a diplomat.
The company is no more but maybe If i was there I could helped in managing it properly because the men could not manager it but in life you never know.

Q:At age 53 you keep growing young what your secret .?

I do dinning out. I do exercising a lot because it what gives you energy and good health .i see many Ghanaians now going for health walk and it think is good I love eating but one need to eat good food that is healthy .i have a green garden at my residence in Accra so I grow my more vegetables ,tomatoes ,lettuce in my house though I have to buy more .

Q: What is your motive for being here in Obuasi ?
Am here to propose a project to connect Obuasi to a city in brazil .Both cities are very much into gold mining .The project is to bring the opportunity to children teenagers from 12 to 14 in Obuasi and the city in brazil .since they are into mining the children will share exchange very happy to honorable Edward Ening mp for obuasi east for his assistance and support.
We are going to identify children who will participate in this project .School children will get to research more on brazil and what was done many years ago, centuries ago when Ghanaians people from this area went to start mining in brazil .is very interesting that 300 years later we are getting this connection. So children from each countries will dialogue and research about this connection and this renowned link.

Q:I learnt you met women in politics and some social groups?

Though is a children programme I told the Honorable that I wanted to meet women so I met people from NPP ,NDC and miner wife's association because power in politics is almost men so where ever I go I want to encourage women into politics

Q: What are we to do as a nation (Ghana) to help ladies play a major role in politics?

Of course education is essential and you can educate women in the traditional way. You can then educate also them in leadership roles. They have to be prepared with strategies and prepare them to do plenty. Women have bright minds but are afraid to go to leadership position so they need to be encouraged. The media has to educate women to exploit and seek higher positions in politics.

Q: What is the current situation regarding Ghanaians who seeked asylum in Brazil after the world cup?

About 3000 Ghanaians went to Brazil to watch the world cup but form this group 1000 stayed behind after the competition. We understand they did not go to watch the world cup but some people took them there to work so many of them had opportunities .Though they were seeking asylum saying stories of political instability but we know there were not but they went there for economic reasons. Now most of them are working and all of them are going to get their asylum they wanted. Is not a problem they are there but we are taking this opportunity to build a Ghanaian community in Brazil.

In three years to come all of them will get a permit they can now bring their families so we will have about 3000 Ghanaians families building a community in there, so we welcome this opportunity that does not mean we will issue visas to Ghanaians like this. The Brazil government is working with companies who have employed this Ghanaians to enhance better conditions of service.

Q: How did you feel when Brazil was humiliated by 7-0 by Germany in the world cup?
I was devastated and It was horrible .i am sure Ghanaian were disappointed gets like us .But I still think Brazil football is still on top and I know Ghanaians support Brazilians because they play their favorite teams in Europe .
Q:Do you foresee a woman leading this country in near future?
I asked the ladies who I met if they were ready to vote for a woman to become president they somewhere could not respond. Then I asked another question that will you like your daughter to be president of Ghana and they said yes. So let's start voting for women. Is in the hand of women to empower women in politics .Is good that we have women staying economics but we already know that women are strong very economics. Now, we have to empower women in politics and soon Ghana can have a woman as president .We have a woman as president in Brazil.

Q:Thanks for coming, Obuasi is grateful, shaft fm is grateful ,I am grateful
I am grateful
Story by George Opoku Mensah(Agudey)
News editor shaft fm