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Opinions of Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Columnist: Alhaji Alhasan Abdulai

Breastfeeding by military/career women is good for babies

Opinion Opinion

As women are becoming adventurous, many of them find themselves in the police and military forces. There are many more other women in public services and private undertakings across the world. The married and unmarried women being sexually active do produce children.

Medical officers have often advised the women to lay emphasis on breast feeding their newly born babies up to two years. That will ensure the healthy growth of the children.

Of late most women workers with newly born babies are given many days off duty up to three months in Ghana to ensure they feed their babies with breast milk. Even after the grace period the women are allowed to close early to be able to take good care of their babies.

This apart there are those women who manage to carry their children to their work places. One of such women Amida Saeed who work in Ghana’s National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) has decided to carry her newly born girl twins to work and back for up to 12 months.

She said she will carry her babies to work till they are old enough to go to school. Unknown to her, Just as she is carrying her kids to work in order to breast feed them some of the developed nations such as the United States of America are promoting breast feeding among the U S staff of the military and other security forces.

A former Air Force service member Tara Ruby who broke this information said when she was in active duty, "support for breastfeeding moms wasn't even an option to consider," however in her revelation in a facebook she got exited to learn that breast feeding is being promoted in some sectors of the military today.

The military in the US especially in Fort Bliss now allows staff members with newly born babies to carry their babies to and from their duty posts in their barracks and to feed them regularly

Tara ruby said, "To my knowledge a group photo to show support of active duty military a mommy nursing their little’s has never been done in her time. It is so nice to see support for this here at Fort Bliss," she said on Facebook.

A photo of a group of active duty military moms’ breastfeeding in uniforms she sent out has gone viral with over 8,000 shares on Facebook.

She stated that "Breastfeeding their babies doesn't make them less of a soldier, I believe it makes them a better ones. Juggling the tasks and expectations of a soldier, plus providing for their own kids in the best way they possible can make these ladies even stronger for it."

To all governments and ministries of health in all nations including Ghana, what is being done in the US to promote healthy grough of new born babies is an example worth emulating.

In the end Tara Ruby The photographer, who was excited to hear about a nursing room in the headquarters of Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, said she' did lend her services to donate photos to brighten up the room , according to CNN . Lets support this move

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