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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Columnist: Bawa Abdul-Rahim

Brief Gravitas International Relations and strategic studies analysis of the current global geopolitical landscape

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The world order is now itching or is now in what has been described as "Cold War 2.0." There is an emergence of the remnants of Cold War geopolitics between the West led by the US and the East led by the former Soviet Union, now Russia.

Cold War was a political, economic, strategic & security cum military proxy geopolitics between the West & East. The end of the Cold War in 1989/1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union made the US the unipolaristic global policeman...

The War on Terror galvanized the whole world against global terrorism. However, the 21st century is now witnessing "Cold War 2.0" emergence; due to bad faith, propaganda, geopolitical & strategic ambiguities, etc. exhibited by the major powers, i.e. the West led by the US, China & Russia to protect their core national interests!!

What is happening in Ukraine, Syria, the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait, the East, and South China Seas, and the entire Indo-Pacific region, Africa, and Yemen just to mention a few are proxy "Cold War 2.0." Who wins or loses the war? It is quite early to predict based on the historical lessons of countries that became the battlefields or pawns in the First Cold War.

India is now projecting "multi-alignment", embracing a lot of alliances despite the Western pressure to choose sides. The majority of African countries are also being wise, which I agreed with reigniting "positive neutrality" in the current geopolitical power struggles; Latin America is doing the same, the Middle East/ West Asia is divided even the US ally Saudi Arabia is neutral in the ongoing crisis... Asia is doing the same with some supporting the West & Others China & Russia.

In sum, all minor powers including Africa must strategically remain neutral and protect their core national interests. Which are the driving forces of every country's foreign policy!!

Bawa Abdul-Rahim, student of Political Science, IR, IPE, Peace, Conflict & Strategic Studies, Comparative Politics, Public Policy & Policy Analysis cum Public Administration. Assistant Director IIB, North East Gonja District Assembly, Kpalbe, Savannah Region, Ghana.