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Opinions of Sunday, 20 August 2017

Columnist: David Albert Quainoo

Brief history of the Christianborg Castle

Christianborg Castle Christianborg Castle

The Osu castle was formerly known as Christianborg. Initiated by the Danish and Norwegians (Dane-Norwegian) a replica of castle in Denmark.

Located in Ghana on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean 's Gulf of Guinea, the first substantial fort was built by Denmark-Norway in the 1660s but construction completed in the 1790 for it's first use.

Though the castle has changed hands between Denmark-Norway, Portugal , the Akwamu , Britain , and finally post-Independence Ghana, it is still the heartbeat of the nation's history.

The castle has seen a number of renovations and rebuilt numerous times. For most of the castle's history, it has been the seat of government in Ghana with some interruptions, the latest when the John Kuffuor administration moved the seat of government to Golden Jubilee House after 6 January 2009.

But that decision was quickly reversed by the incoming John Atta Mills administration and returned to the castle as our presidential office and residence till his demise in July 2012.

It also serves as the place where the late president of Ghana John Atta Mills is buried.(the Asomdwe Park); in a bird sanctuary, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean...