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Opinions of Friday, 10 October 2008

Columnist: Hiatsi, Dzifah

Bringing GBA into esteem "undisrepute" VooDoo Child

(By Dzifah Hiatsi )Your lawyer is one of four people on earth you should always be honest with

When involved in an accident or arrested by the police, the advise always given is, never to talk until you have spoken to a learned friend. That leaned friend could be the difference between life and death or life imprisonment a la OJ Simpson 13 years ago or the difference between going home a millionaire or going home with pittance in a claims case.

Indeed your lawyer is one of 4 people you should always be honest with and, attorney client privilege also protects you from your lawyer. The others you should be honest with, your doctor, your priest and off course your spouse. Off course your spouse who is the sugar in your tea, the butter to your bread or kose to your kooko until divorce do us part and you are hit with a million dollar suit. Its when you slap your head like super OD wondering, why why why, what devil did I marry? Then your lawyer takes your spouse¢s place regarding the afore mentioned accolades.

Those lawyers, a good one beside you is the ultimate earth angel, giving you guidance, advising you on ways to play hide and seek with the law. On the opposite side of you, and he is the devil incarnate on earth. Its why they are buried face down when they are recalled by the gods to come and wine and dine in eternity. Not true but it is what we believed growing up no? Facing their master Satan himself? Urban myths, urban myths but the truth is that lawyers do what they have sworn to do when they were called to the bar; whether it is defending the most obnoxious repeat offence criminal or an obviously innocent person, or sentencing another learned friend, all within the law. Or beside the law.

The truth also is that lawyers are always held in high esteem and there is no country in this world that would not boast of a bar association that is highly respected. Our own Ghana Bar Association, they stood by us, speaking against human rights abuses and advocating the rule of law. That fraternity maintained its integrity and being in good standing order with it is a must. Even former Attorney General Dr Obed Asamoah maintained his good standing while in "bad standing." He supported the tribunals and that criminal press law yes? The fact is, GBA had our back, military or civilian government, it was a given assurance for me and you.

We looked forward to GBA commenting on jurisprudence, on resolved cases, socio-economic and political issues. They even noted the increasing number of drinking bars in the country in 2000. In 2008 there was a sentencing of one of their members and we awaited their comment, a reaction, something, anything, but the silence was deafening. It was so loud, the rants of Tony Lither, Dr. Boom and a football club named Free Tsatsu Tsikata Movement were drowned.

The only GBA in the news was one headed, oh, also by a learned friend Foa Amoaning. Then GBA spoke, broke its silenced and mouthed what everyone knew, Justice Abban erred in her judgement on the side of politics. No, Osah Mills cannot speak for GBA? President Kuffuor cannot speak for Ghana? Let him be silenced then. Not oman panyin. He was overthrown in the closest thing to a coup d¢etat you could ever have in such a fraternity.

Most intriguing is the statement of the year,"the actions of ex GBA President Nii Osah Mills has brought the entire administration of justice into disrepute." For sure, so what do we call the comments of Kyerikyie Opoku, Dr. Boom and Tony Lithur. Wait, what do we call the appointment of additional judges to the Supreme Court just to influence a case in a different direction. Ah, how do we describe Justice Abban¢s initial actions which has resulted in all these ruckus all over the place

Ex GBA President Ossa Mills spoke "too soon" or "too late" but he spoke his mind and the truth, and those are fundamental qualities of the Ghana Boxing Authority, GBA. The good news yet, GBA decided to appoint a permanent representative to the court whenever Tsikata visits to address it. That is the revelation worthy of at least a three pager assignment at the Makola school.