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Opinions of Thursday, 11 September 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Brotherly Advice To “Alan Cash”

Being a member of the NPP family without sentimentally fanatical persuasion or inclination, but a kind heart and an open-mind, I feel duty-bound to advise my elder or younger brother Mr Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremateng, alias Alan Cash. I find him currently in a dilemma; sandwiched between a rock and a hard surface.

Kwadwo, I can imagine you oscillating between feelings or opinions after your disastrous show in the NPP Super Delegate’s Congress of Sunday, 31st August 2014. The Congress was to trim the number of NPP flagbearer aspirants from seven to five. You did brilliantly well to emerge the runner-up to Nana Akufo Addo in the race.

I am aware of many people calling on you in various ways to step aside following the number of votes you garnered at the Congress even though you came second in the elections. To them, the overwhelmingly poor results for those still retained in the race to contest Nana Akufo Addo for the flagbearer’s position are nothing to write home about. The results completely extinguish any little flame of pride left in the other competitors, wiping off their credibility as a force to reckon with, they allege.

Others, a second school of thought of course, are advising that it is too late to chicken out. By chickening out, your political career is doomed forever if not utterly finished, they assert. This is how I see my brother Alan Cash as being in a dilemma; in what an Akan will say, “Me k3 a ennk3, me ba a emma”.

Kwadwo, do not get yourself confused by the actions of others. Listen to your own inner voice or intuition, informed by God of course. Do not listen to the voice of others. However, be prudent and realistic about the situation you are faced with. Many a supporter of the NPP or a suffering Ghanaian goes for Nana Akufo Addo, a similitude of biblical David or Joseph. He is the choice of the people. He is the one deemed by the majority of Ghanaians to have the ability to steer Ghana from the current murky economic waters in which she currently finds herself, into clear waters overflowing with prosperity.

It is an established fact that “He who fights and runs away lives to fight another time” but the weakling who persists in fighting knowing the odds are hugely against him will drop on his knees at the delivery of the fatal blow from his opponent. With the wish of the suffering masses immensely expressed through their delegates as witnessed on Sunday, 31st August 2014, is there any ray of hope left for the other four contestants of whom you are inclusive?

I will greatly admonish you to request your radicalised followers who are living at the periphery of reality and truth, to cease their frivolousness. Intransigently damaging Nana Akufo Addo in the hope of causing his defeat in Election 2016 will not do you and the suffering Ghanaians any good, but rather more harm.

The level playing ground made available to the initial seven contestants is now developing bumps, becoming a dangerous playing field to some of the remaining five. To whom the ground has become dangerous and bumpy, should honourably quit the fight than to persist only to suffer further humiliating defeat in the end.

The money to use pursuing the foregone glory could better be used on something better and more memorable to humanity than chasing the wind.

Nana Akufo Addo, will certainly win the NPP flagbearership on 18th October 2014. That is a must! Please advise Kwame Katakyie Agyemang Opoku to desist from his fruitless endeavour, publishing falsehoods about the person of Nana Addo. Unnecessarily or maliciously attacking one’s political opponent from the same political party is pure insanity.

Kwadwo, do as your mind, voice and wisdom tell you but please, let common sense and reality be the pivots on which your final decision revolves. Don’t seek to destroy or encourage your supporters to wantonly destroy Nana Akufo Addo in a hopeless attempt to see a miracle happen in your favour or to cause him to lose election 2016.

May God guide you to take a sound decision that will brighten up your future political horizon than ruins it. Amen.

Rockson Adofo