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Opinions of Sunday, 23 April 2017

Columnist: Rhulani Thembi Siweya

Burundi men get laid but women get screwed

In this file photo citizens of Burundi march against government In this file photo citizens of Burundi march against government

The call that opposing views must be managed by impregnating the women and torturing the males must be rejected with the contempt it deserves.

This call reminds me of Quentin Crisp who once said “Men get laid, but women get screwed”.

The call is a perpetuationof serious male chauvinistic tendencies. It cannot be that when people want to convey a dissenting view, they use women as a means to communicate a particular message.

Boko Haram did the same with the Chibok girls, the Malawian traditiona lhealer famously known as the ’Hyne Man’, until his arrest used to force sex on widows as part of a traditional cleansing ceremony.

In South Africa recently, a Nigerian Tel-evangelist Timothy Omotoso was arrested for allegations of rape amongst other offences. In many spheres of society women often remain victims;They continue to be subjected to sexual violations and other despicable indignities. Their bodies continue to be objectified and their voices disregarded.

A call in the form of songs that promote rape of opposition women to make them pregnant and bear Imbonerakure children made by the Youth Wing of the rulin gparty in Burundi is an unfortunate reminder that tribalism and sexism are rife.Under these conditions, a lot of human rights violation continue to go un reported as the ruling party pays lip service to the problem.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported the involvement of Imbonerakure in arresting and attacking opposition members, carrying out torture and gang-raping women.President Nkurunzuza has overtime shown that he does not care. He is interested in ruling with an iron feast, with no room for opposition to air their views. He clearly doesn’t care about women abuse and the call to rape young people.

This call is incorrect as it spreads a message that sex must be used asa weapon in conflict situations. Young people in Africa must engage each otherin a civil manner befitting democratic societies. The very notion of employingsuch degenerative tactics to resolve disputes should earn Imbonerakure the Pan African Youth Union indignation. Young people of Africa must be preoccupied with making our continent better.

As we continue to encourage learning and information sharing, we envisage continental inter-trade lead by young people. An environment where young people will not think of killing those who don’t agree with them; Where they will believein engagement rather than violence. Young people of Burundi must unite and make their country a better place where opposition is tolerated and sexism is shunned. The gains of gender activists must not be reversed.

Rhulani Thembi Siweya is the founder of Africa Unmasked and an NEC memberof the ANCYL, she writes in her capacity as patron of Africa Unmasked