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Opinions of Friday, 14 December 2012

Columnist: Fiifi, Van

Busia - Danquah Dishonourable History

Danquah - Busia NPP politicians often fraudulently claim to have titles,
entitlements or affiliations which are ambiguous, misleading, or bogus.
Danquah - Busia NPP sociopathic politicians use deceit and manipulation throughout
their lives.
Busia – Danquah NPP politicians hold deep prejudices against other cultures beliefs
and are unvaryingly unimaginative.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians mindset breed the sort of selfishness that is
inherent in their sociopath lives.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians struggling to promote terrorism, violence, hatred
and bigotry.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians are constantly imposing on others a false reality
made up of distortion and fabrication.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians naturally inherited the willingness to kill from
from their terrorist founders Busia and Danquah
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians are mean-spirited, officious, and often unbelievably
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians history shows a process accumulation of every kind
of brutality and wickedness.
Busia – Danquah NPP sociopathic politicians are cancer to any political system and
unfortunately the nature of the beast breeds such an individual.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians will often be in constant conflict with individuals
in their lives, and will often have run-ins with the law.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians are often pathological liars who use their vuvuzela
mouths to manipulate people, situations, and the legal system.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians conflicts with the authority and the law is often
begin at their early age.
It is sad that Busia – Danquah NPP sociopaths of all things become public officials.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians perfected their inherited wicked traits with deceit,
incitement, violence, terror and murder.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians have done many things with absolute cruelty and
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians use a reign of terror to eliminate free thinkers.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians always display a seemingly limitless demonic energy
especially when engaged in attention-seeking activities or evasion of
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians distorted view of reality often make them
irresponsible and unreliable.
Danquah - Busia NPP politicians irresponsibity and unleiability lead them to poor
job performance, poor educational performance, and a poor standing with family.
Busia – Danquah NPP through deceit, ACO, incitement, Bombing and mass robbing of
Ghana wealth, and looted government lands and bungalows.
Busia – Danquah NPP achieve their desired goals by being sullen and creepy.
Busia – Danquah NPP are always the takers and never the givers.
Ashantis and Akyems in the Busia – Danquah NPP not only have a grandiose sense of
self, but also have a distorted view of reality.
Ashantis and Akyems in the Busia – Danquah NPP are self-opinionated and display
arrogance, audacity, a crude superior sense of entitlement and sense of
invulnerability and untouchability.
Ashantis and Akyems in the Busia – Danquah NPP propaganda is an attempt to
infiltrate, penetrate and subvert the liberties of our peace loving Ghana society .
Ashantis and Akyems in the Busia – Danquah NPP poison some Akan's minds by
manipulating their perceptions.
Busia – Danquah NPP are arrogant, haughty, high-handed, and a know-all.
Busia – Danquah NPP are greedy bastards, selfish, cockroaches, a parasites and an
emotional vampires.
Busia – Danquah NPP ultimate aim is to establish ''mate mehu'' rule in Ghana.
To the Busia – Danquah NPP, everything that promotes their evil goal is moral, legal
and justified.
Busia – Danquah NPP don't hesitate to use illegal methods to acquire wealth.
Busia – Danquah NPP systematic use of terror, violence, and intimidation to achieve
an end.
Busia – Danquah NPP are troublers who interrupt and interfere with peace and quiet,
they are people who can easily cause disorder and commotion.
Busia – Danquah NPP are people with a corrupting influence.
Busia – Danquah NPP are spiritually dead although they may loudly profess some
religious belief or affiliation.
Busia – Danquah NPP are always angry and impulsive when it comes to their behaviour,
lash out at others, and have no sense of personal boundaries.
Busia – Danquah NPP are glib, shallow and superficial with plenty of fine words and
lots of form but there's no substance.
Busia – Danquah NPP are people whose savagery have become their character and nature.
Busia – Danquah NPP are emotionally immature and emotionally untrustworthy.
Busia – Danquah NPP are pure evil, bastards and savages.
Busia – Danquah NPP are vile, vicious and vindictive in private.
Busia – Danquah NPP have no empathy for the feelings of others, and feel no remorse
for their attacks and poor behaviour decisions.
Busia – Danquah NPP are practised liars and when called to account, will make up
anything spontaneously to fit their needs at that moment.
Busia – Danquah NPP in NPP excel at deception and should never be underestimated in
their capacity to deceive.
To Busia – Danquah NPP, good works will be rewarded (and punishment for evil) both
in life and after death.
Can Busia – Danquah NPP have a reformation? Anyone that attempts to reform Busia –
Danquah NPP usually ends up dead or in hiding.
Busia – Danquah NPP have the ability to choose good from evil, but they chose evil.
I'm sure the militant fools are screaming at this point.
All these Busia – Danquah NPP behaviour allow them to go on and do things that seem
unimaginable to most of us.
Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are bullheaded individuals.

Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are very difficult to treat or deal with.

Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are difficult to manage or mould, unwilling to be
taught or led or supervised or directed.
Busia – Danquah NPP politicians do not obey or comply with commands of those in

Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are stubborn infection.

Busia – Danquah NPP politicians have ridiculous a crazy dreams and silly notions
Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are traitors always showing lack of love for their
Busia – Danquah NPP politicians are wayward, wilfully and often perversely depart
from what is desired, advised, expected, or required.
Busia – Danquah NPP are headstrong, 'obstinately bent on having their own way'
Ghana greatest uncontrolled health problem is Busia – Danquah NPP "uncontrolled

Van Fiifi KATH