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Opinions of Friday, 1 January 2016

Columnist: CPP

CPP New year message to Ghanaians

On the eve of the passing of the year 2015, the hope and prayer of the Convention People’s Party is that, the country will be spared in the succeeding year, the frustrations and anxieties of the outgoing year as a result of what has appeared to be an insurmountable energy crisis and corruption.
Our duty is the remain optimistic and to encourage the whole country to do same, because although the country has gone through a protracted difficult experience never witnessed before, we should nevertheless be oblivion and ungrateful to the many other blessings apparent and concealed which have fallen our ways as individuals and as a nation in the course of the outgoing year.

It serves no useful purpose at this time to want to take stock of the sad and unhappy events of the outgoing year. All we ask for is that in the ensuing year every effort should be made by government, to bring about relaxation to the prevailing difficulties and to end the DUMSOR once and for all.
It is not enough to claim or chant the slogan of ‘working for you’; as a matter of fact, we have to experience it in every facet of our daily lives. Working for you, from the perspective of the Convention People’s Party mean, surmounting the threats to the growth, prosperity and the general happiness of the masses of the Ghanaian people. It also means ending economic exploitation by multinational cooperations in Ghana by ensuring that a reasonable predetermined amount of the profit of foreign companies be retained in the country. Fair and just prices for our export commodities. Government must ensure a fair and just distribution of our wealth in order to drastically reduce and ultimately eliminate the prevalent poverty and inequality that has bedeviled our country today. there should be cleanliness in every nook and cranny of the country, corruption and bribery and its associate tendencies must be reduced extremely, and making every Ghanaian take delight and pride in being a Ghanaian.

Our President and his NDC government have destroyed our prosperity and have significantly reduced our dear country to a cynosure of hopelessness and despair. It is therefore dangerous for us to pace our aspiration, our safety, our development and our security in the hands of a party that cannot advance the true and strategic interest of Ghana. We all have a natural duty to make our country free and beautiful.

As we have said before, as a party, for certain historic reasons, The CPP is the conscience of Ghana and we will never waiver this responsibility which posterity has placed on us. We will not be taken in by those who pay lip-service to our course and we shall remain adamant in our bid to make Ghana work again. The achievements of the Convention Peoples Party are still supreme and unequaled.

It is on this basis that we ask the good people of Ghana to repose their confidence in us, so that, together we could secure greater glories for ourselves and generations yet unborn.

Fellow Ghanaians, let us resolve in the New Year to continue the struggle against the enemies of our independence and progress- against idleness, against dishonesty, against bribery and corruption, against ethnocentrism and against all forces which militates against our aspirations and welfare.

Ghana is for Ghanaians!

Nkrumaism forever!!!!!!

Kadri Abdul Rauf

Communications Director