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Opinions of Friday, 2 October 2009

Columnist: Prof Lungu

'Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head' is Despicable & Racist

Open Letter to Ghanaian Journalists, People of Ghana, and Mr. Todd Stitzer, Chief Executive, Cadbury PLC

RE: Cadbury's Sponsorship of Video Featuring “African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head”

All Concerned, Our attention has been drawn to what is being described by Cadbury’s promotion managers in London as a “Giant tribal head” starring “in new Cadbury chocolate advertisement.” We call that “Cadbury's African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head.” We say that is it despicable and racist and request that Cadbury withdraw its sponsorship of that demeaning video. Cadbury must seek alternative African-life affirming media/venues to promote Cadbury products and Fair Trade. We are saddened that Cadbury would be so tactless as to sponsor that shameful and grotesque effigy of Africans in an effort to make a fortune. In this instance, Cadbury’s actions and approach to “virtual” gorilla marketing has gone off the track. It will poorly serve Cadbury, the people of Ghana, and the Cocoa Partnership project that is Fair Trade. Cadbury’s action in this matter is atrocious. It is racially prejudiced. It does not inspire a child on Ghanaian/African streets to do anything worthy. It is a sad and momentous act of disrespect toward Ghanaians and Africans. In fact, that caricature of an African will do the exact opposite of compelling “a smile and enjoyment” from an African and influencing them to buy a Cadbury product. That video degrades the African as a huge and dumb monster – a foolish tribal monster, one with no useful human qualities. That video will haunt children and unsettle many reflective adults. More important, that video will allow the perpetuation of sad and harmful stereotypes. It will perpetuate scientifically-discreditable superstitious belief systems which are a significant curse to the development of Ghana and Africa. Here is one test for Cadbury. The simple test argues for condemnation of sponsorship of the video. Recently, in Washington DC, and in several cities in the US, many people are up in arms against President Barack Obama, the first President of the United States of African origin. Many individula, including former Presidents Carter and Clinton, now argue that a lot of that sentiment is racists in nature, if one looks at the tone and the representation of President Obama on billboards, handbills, and posters.

In fact, in our opinion, the “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” will be in wonderful company with many of those people and their sad, racist, intolerant, and dangerous representation of the President of the U.S. and people of African origin. Further, we are very sure that if someone had asked Mr. Obama what he thought about the “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” during his visit Ghana recently, he would probably have observed that the video is demeaning of the African Personality. He would probably have noted that the “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” was of no use or service to Ghanaians, including those “farmers” Cadbury wants to assist through the “Cocoa Partnership.” He would have said that after 100 years in Ghana, there are better and more life-affirming ways for Cadbury to go about it.

The “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” is unnecessary for that altruistic program, if that constitutes a modicum of Cadbury’s wish.

Yes, the floating “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” is possibly a “star” to the “white” men and women who “engineered” and funded it. But it is only a star among those white bigots and racists with absolutely no social conscience and proper sense of world history. That virtual street-level mobile “African-Gorilla Tribal Head” is contemptuous of Africans and all people of African origin. It is a sad disgrace.

Again, we ask that Cadbury immediately disassociate itself with the video and seek other human-affirming methods to promote its products in Ghana, Africa, and the World.

Cadbury must apologize to the People of Ghana and all Africans. Ghanaians and Africans clearly do not need a “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” to bring music to their homes and streets. Neither do they need “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” to enable them grow and tend to Cocoa trees, or buy and enjoy chocolate produced in part, from their own work and sweat. In this case, Cadbury PLC may want to take a cue from Japan where some of the best chocolates in the market are named after the proud People and Nation of “Ghana.” Alternatively, Cadbury may want to take a “cocoa-opportunity-leaf” from Oscar Mayer and their Weiner Mobile. Oscar Mayer has proudly and effectively represented itself all over America in a professional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing manner for many, many years running. Learn from the Weiner Mobile and know that Ghanaian deserve and expect no less. Cadbury must reconsider the sponsorship! Thank you. V/r Prof Lungu, for

Copy: Cadbury Group Head Office Atn: Mr. Todd Stitzer, Cadbury Chief Executive Cadbury House, Uxbridge Business Park Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1DH, UK Tel: +44 (0)1895 615000; Fax: +44 (0)1895 615001 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

6 NOTES: 1. The last we checked, the “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” video could be seen and/or was promoted by following media sources:

2. We ask all readers to contact Cadbury using contact information provided above. Tell Cadbury you are offended by the “Cadbury African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head” and ask for an apology for crass insensitivity. Ask for sponsorship by Cadbury of more Ghana-life-affirming video/media

3. See our video and photo montage and presentation, “Cadbury is in Good Company with Cadbury’s African-Gorilla Personality Tribal Head. Visit Send us email if you have any questions or comments. Video/Photo montage will be downloaded in about 10 days following publication of this message by www.Ghanaweb,com, Prof Lungu says!

4. Help stop the pattern of exploitation of Ghana by external private interests. The bribes paid to corrupt Ghanaian officials by UK Company, Mabey & Johnson, is indicative of the exploitation of Ghanaians and their resources. Help stop the plunder. Insist that Prof Mills, without further delay, establish an independent commission to investigate all persons mentioned in the UK SFO/Mabey & Johnson depositions. If you live in the UK, there ought to be more you can do. Contact Prof Lungu via

5. Visit for more information about our Ghana-centered program. Support the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill, Ghana! (FOIB – Are You Pickable, Mr. Politician?)

6. Prof Lungu is not an artist seeking sponsorship from Cadbury or any other corporation anywhere in the world, nor is Prof Lungu an advocate for any artist for same. There is no other interest than Ghana-centeredness.

Help lift up Ghana!

Prof Lungu: Ghana-centered, Ghana-Proud. Always! © Prof Lungu, Tokyo, Japan, 22nd September, 2009