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Opinions of Thursday, 29 July 2010

Columnist: Asare, Caroline

Call for Sanction of Greater Accra Chairman

Press Release: Call for Sanction of Greater Accra Chairman

I view with great concern, statements attributed to the Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party in the Greater Accra Region that can foment the rather peaceful atmosphere we are currently enjoying towards the August 7th congress to elect the leader and flag bearer of our dear party.

On Monday 25th July 2010, Citifmonline reported that Mr. Ishmael Ashittey declared that “constituency chairmen in the greater Accra region have met and taken a unanimous decision to throw their weight behind Nana Akufo-Addo, one of the five aspirants in the upcoming August 7 primaries of the party.” These loose comments to say the least are unfortunate and have the tendency of further polarizing the Party. The Regional Chairman, has shown that he cannot serve as a referee in the upcoming elections and his actions clearly shows his lack of leadership qualities in the management of the party in the region especially in the lead up to the congress.

I wish to call on the national Executive committee of the party to immediately sanction the regional Chairman and all the constituency chairmen he claimed he met at the said meeting. The comments by the chairman clearly violates the rules and regulations for aspiring presidential candidates-2010 elections, which was released by the party which states that; ‘Party officers at all levels: National, Regional, constituency, polling station officials, overseas Branch (International) as well as MP’s ought to refrain from openly declaring their support of any branch, constituency, or organ for any individual candidate or campaigning for them.’
Failure to sanction the officer in mention has consequences on the conduct of the elections and the aftermath as the Unity of our party must reign supreme.
I wish to also call on the national executive committee to issue a release calling on all officers mentioned in the guidelines to refrain from openly campaigning for their preferred candidates.
I respectfully call on all members of the party, particularly leading members and elders to refrain from making such public statements. By these statements, these leading members attempt to take over the democratic space in the party.
On the matter of who leads the party into election 2012, the power of determination has been given and rightly so, to polling station executives of the party.
I call on all members of the party to rededicate themselves to the ideals that our forebearers died for; Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Selflessness, Sacrifice, Service and Loyalty to party and country.
May the best person win on August 7th

Long live NPP

For God and Party

Caroline Asare
[email protected]