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Opinions of Monday, 2 July 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Calling on Ghanaians to do Mills the Biggest Favour

Calling on Ghanaians to do President Mills the Biggest Favour on December 7, 2012

Our unprecedented gargantuan President Mills goes for re-election on December 7, 2012. I am calling on all right thinking Ghanaians regardless of their status, political leanings and expectations, without any undertone of dishonesty, to do President Mills the biggest favour on that day. You should all VOTE OUT President Mills, the best favour and sincere love you can show him if you really care about him. By voting MASSIVELY FOR NANA AKUFFO-ADDO and the NPP, you are actually expressing your love and sincere affection and care for President Mills.

How would casting your votes against President Mills be an expression of love and concern for him, one may enquire? The answers are not farfetched if you really would be truthful to yourself, be fair to your conscience, expunge any aspirations of selfish or individualistic gain but think about the collective welfare of Ghanaians. President Mills is very UNHEALTHY with health that is slowly but progressively deteriorating by the day. This is a fact no matter how far you vociferate masquerading deceitful propaganda as the truth. His physique, speech and performance of the duties of his office tell volumes about the state of his health. An unhealthy person may not have the needed sound mind and peace to execute his daily duties to expectation let alone, running the affairs of a nation - presiding over a government that abounds with crooks. When you are unhealthy but continue to stress yourself with duties that obligate you to be always travelling, thinking and reading and taking decisions, you will not only weaken the body but also hasten your journey to the grave.

Many a Ghanaian has started questioning the academic credentials of His Excellency President Professor John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills. It is all because his performance at the presidency does not commensurate the expected output of his academic qualifications. Though the possession of outstanding academic qualifications does not automatically make one a good Statesman, the performance of President Mills is far below the belt and does raise an eyebrow. He is not up to the task because he is not healthy enough. He has chosen to not worsen his already ill-health by staying nonchalant despite how any of his government appointees misconducts themselves. By this he hopes to live longer but such behaviour is not the best way to run a nation. Please save him from further embarrassment and ridicule.

The opportunists in the NDC government and party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Okudzeto Ablakwah, Koku Anyidoho, Kobby Acheampong, Betty Mould-Iddrisu, Alex Segbefia, just to mention a few, are taking advantage of the President’s ill-health to corruptly amass wealth. The crooks in the NDC government and party are running the image of Ghana and Ghana’s economy down the drain through preposterous acts of thievery – dubious judgment debt payments. MCEs and DCEs are taking 10% kickbacks on awarded contracts etc. Every act of malfeasance by any of President Mills’ government appointees is blamed on him because he blatantly refuses to take actions against the culprits.

I am today informing all Ghanaians especially the well wishers of President Mills, that President Mills and his NDC government have run Ghana into a ditch. The country and her economy are sitting dangerously at the edge of a steep cliff about to fall over. It will only take intelligent dedicated minds working assiduously around the clock to salvage the vehicle that is close to tipping over from its current position as described above. All this is happening because President Mills is not as efficient as Ghanaians had expected of him all due to his health constraints.

Those who love to see President Mills extricate himself from the grips of the selfish opportunists in his government, from further tarnishing his reputation and to protect his health in order to live much longer, should please vote AGAINST him at the December 7, 2012 elections. He may be deceiving himself by assuming he is healthy and capable of doing the job whereas he is actually not, as evidence on the ground tells.

It does not belong to the one who is leading to redirect their steps. Those of us watching from behind do see how unhealthy President Mills is, and how deplorably he is performing.

My writing today is without any hidden agenda but informed of the gospel truth. I am calling on all Ghanaians not to be deceived by later-to-regret sympathy, selfishness, tribalism, and acts of visionless motives, to vote for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. This is the only way to liberate the economy and Ghana from the hands of the NDC political vultures. By voting massively for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP, you would have expressed your love and concern for ailing President Mills and proved to yourselves how politically mature you are as Ghanaian electorates.

Time and tide wait for no man. How long are we going to stay nonchalantly when the current crop of NDC rogues are toying with our lives and the country? It is about time Ghanaians proved they care for their country and themselves by voting out the NDC and President Mills.

I am campaigning to relieve President Mills of the heavy load now sitting on his head, nearly breaking his neck. He is too frail to continue carrying that cumbersome load of running the affairs of Ghana.

Stay tuned to read more logically analysed write-ups from me on the impending December 7, 2012 elections. Familiarise yourself with my article published on, Ghanaweb and [email protected] on Saturday, 30th June 2012 titled, “NDC are Criminally-minded nation wreckers with similarly-minded Lawyers as Advisors” You will be shocked to learn about the mischievous intentions by the NDC to mismanage the economy, deplete the coffers of the nation etc.

Tune in to Sources radio UK, FM 96.30 when you are in London or go online to to locate Sources radio where you will hear and can participate in intelligent political discourse.

Rockson Adofo