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Opinions of Monday, 24 March 2008

Columnist: Tetteh, Isaas

Campus Life Hard Oooooo

We reported to school on the very day Osama Bin Laden gave America a bitter pill to swallow. We had already booked for our (four J.S.S.mates who happened to gain admission into the same tertiary institution) room. I had already received information as to how high the cost of there was so had to get myself well-prepared, though my mum was the care-taker of all the tasks that awaited her during my four year stay in the hard-to-live town.I believe by now most of have a clue to the region am referring to. To those of who do not, it is the region which had one of its school members jumping from the fourth floor of a storey in the name of escaping punishment from the house master. No other clue will tell the University am referring to than this recent sad news that hit the air waves making room for people from all walks of life sharing their opinion on.

Green as we were made our way to ‘town’ to have a feel of how campus life was. I referred campus as town because we could not secure a room around the hostels close to our hall-CASLEY HAYFORD.The red that rules over all reds in the country. THE SUPER POWERS, I mean. We never had a feel of the real campus life because most of the continuing students had not reported, yet we ruled in the new community we found ourselves located around the lecturers’ village of the institution. We had sent there some ‘pieces’ so made noise the whole night till the landlord, also a lecturer with the arts faculty, could not bear it any longer than come out to warn us.

Registration of programmes began and man had to use four days to register amidst the confusion to which liberal and Afro stats (African Studies course as is being referred on campus) to choose. It was hectic the first semester but had to a cue from the characters of our seniors, though barbaric. That was the only way man could reduce the registration days from five to one day.\we could not help it.

Lectures began and we sometimes spent close to 30mins to get to the lecture halls as there were no vehicles to convey us from our village to ‘town’. We had a short cut but that was through the bush where most of our ladies had their bags snatched and sometimes nearly raped before footsteps of males were heard. How would you take it should you find yourself in such a situation and an accounting lecturer asks you to be seated by 5:00am.There was a through way which one could take but that meant walking an extra 20mins.

In the course of one of our journeys to a CS (communication skills)-a course that made guys-students, TA’s and lecturers- took advantage of the lazy ladies on campus, I happened to chanced on two beautiful sisters who live near our hostel but whom man had never engaged in a conversation until that day. It was a wonderful opportunity to retire from ‘gnashing’ championship and be handed over to another person. My guess was simply perfect as I managed to win the heart of this princess. Coincidentally, we worship at the campus ministry so started attending church often though I wasn’t. My Christian life took a new dimension as she loved God, and being her fiancé, I could not absent myself from the numerous church activities as I knew some other guys from within the church wanted her. Our Christian lives changed but one thing never did. We loved ourselves so much that we made love almost everyday. Stupidly enough, I sometimes absented from lectures because I was many times exhausted after a ‘morning’s’ breakfast. I guess readers understand the breakfast in this context. This continued for sometime and realized my performance started descending the GPA ladder.

There was this occasion when this so-called princess whom I was head over heels in love with had her former boyfriend on campus. She claimed she had quit with him because the guy had a kid and never disclosed it to her. That was the genesis of my worst situations on campus. I also had a girl home before leaving for school but her mum would not allow us to get off so was hooked to this princess of mine. I had moved into their hostel the next year when some finalists had left so was privy to so many information and ‘sights’. It would have been good if I had not moved in to see all crazy things that went on. Back to my story- Guilty as she was when the guy came around, she made the guy took the lead so she joined later. Before then she came to my room-two doors next to her’s- and said she was only going to see the guy off and come. Just as it was an opportunity for me to have won her to my side the previous academic year, so was for my roommates and other neighbours to be behind the teasing-steering. I could not bear it than to enter my room quietly. I was teased till I went strolling in the bush. Can you imagine that? The clock ticked. It was 8:00pm…9:00pm…10:00pm and finally gave up on waiting for her return. Could I have had a broken heart? I never thought I could. It was a bitter experience. She returned the next morning and feared to get closer to me. You need not ask me what happened between them. They slept in a hotel. Period! This all happened a week to end of semester exams. I could not have made a second lower mark for the semester.

I finally had to forgive her since I loved her. We continued till another similar event happened. This time, in the church which we all fellowship. Coincidentally, it was around the same period-exams. I told myself, NOT THIS TIME! Quickly, I moved into the super powers’ hall where a friend had bought a bed. I actually sought a perching permission and had to escape this psychological trauma this time round. How lucky. The performance was not that good but better than the first experience. Probably, I had found the antidote to broken heart in that time. You may not be lucky. SO ACT WISELY WHILES ON CAMPUS.

I finally broke up with her by which time I had lost my first princess I left home to my friend and a course mate whose handset I received her calls. He had revealed certain information that made the girl call for a break up some few hours after she, the first princess, had left to Accra from Cape Coast after visiting me.


isaas tetteh"