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Opinions of Monday, 14 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Can this be an Instance of the Police Taking Bribe?

The current District Police Commander of Kumawu District has allegedly accepted some gift, a sheep to be more precise. He accepted the gift under some mind-boggling circumstances. Therefore, I request the general public to assist me unravel the motive behind to tell whether or not the acceptance of the offer constitutes bribery.

I recently put out a publication on Ghanaweb on Wednesday, 10 February 2016 informing the public of the criminal destruction of the equipment in an Information Centre in Kumawu by some alleged "Ahenfie boys"- Kofi Basoah, Obeng and Alhaji.

This gang of "akuraase taaman" trio, had the audacity to go into the Information Centre belonging to, and operated by, one Kaakyire Badu Akyena, to destroy some of his radio equipment in addition to cutting some electrical wires that supply power to the centre and a nearby house.

Their yet to be established argument for their nefariously criminal action, although partly confessed and confirmed by "Kumawuhene" Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua was that Kaakyire Badu Akyena had placed an announcement on his radio that undermined the authority and credibility of the alleged Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua.

Yes, Kaakyire was paid to announce the 1st Year anniversary celebration of Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V's enstoolment and akwasidae. Like any sole proprietor doing business to get money, and like all radio stations in Ghana allowed to place public announcements provided they are not treasonable in nature, he saw nothing wrong about conveying the impending celebrations to the public.

The trio gangsters who have been established to be supportive of Dr Yaw Sarfo, the alleged Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua, and confirmed by the neighing horse himself that they acted at his behest, were not enthused at all with the announcement. They felt the announcement was giving credence to not only Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V but also, his allegedly destooled sub-chiefs, now called "The Big Four".

When these three men were reported to the police by the operator of the Information Centre for causing intentional destruction to his equipment, hoping to lodge official complaint with the police to have them arrested, the Kumawu District Police Commander would have none of that. He was rather pursuing the operator, Kaakyire Badu Akyena, to arrest.

He said Kaakyire by his announcement has caused fear and panic among the local inhabitants. His announcement has the potential to cause disturbances in Kumawuman, the Police Commander said. Again, he had had his licence expired at the time the announcement was made. The Police Commander even tried to manoeuvre the office of the Kumawu DCE to refuse the renewal of the operating licence for Kaakyire.

"Kumawuhene" Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua summoned Kaakyire to his palace and questioned why he has disgraced him? He questioned why he, Kaakyire, announced that Kumawu Aduanahene Nana Sarfo Agyekum, Kumawu Akwamuhene Nana Kwasi Bafo II, Kumawu Akyempemhene Nana Okyere Krapa and Kumawu Sumankwaahene Nana Okyere Darko Fordwuor will be in attendance? Why did he address them as sub-chiefs knowing very well that they have been destooled by him, he queried? Despite the fact that the judge of the Regional High Court of Mampong had prior to the radio announcement declared it null and void Dr Yaw Sarfo's dubious destoolment of the said Kumawu sub-chiefs, he still thinks his decision is superior to that of the judge.

Dr Yaw Sarfo like his boss, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, feels he is above the law hence his threatening words to Kaakyire. He asked Kaakyire to present to him three sheep and three bottles of schnapps which after pleading were reduced to two sheep two bottles of schnapps. He said, "If you fail to pay the penalty drinks and sheep, I will task my boys to go and destroy the remaining of your Information Centre equipment.

Kaakyire fearing the worse timidly paid the penalty as requested by "Kumawuhene" Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua.

As soon as the sheep were presented to "Kumawuhene" Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua as obliged, he is understood to have given them, or one of them, to the District Police Commander.

What did the Police Commander do to merit that gift? Was he not the one who was chasing Kaakyire to put under arrest instead of those who destroyed his radio equipment? Was he not the one who initially refused Kaakyire from lodging official complaint with the police against the perpetrators of the above stated heinous crime? Is he not the person who always visits Kumawuhemaa and Dr Yaw Sarfo and eats from their table? Is he not the one who allows the police to be used by Kumawuhemaa to absurdly involve themselves in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute contrary to normal police duties?

I want to know from him the reason why Dr Yaw Sarfo gave to him the sheep he intimidatingly took from Kaakyire. Is it because he is always at their beck and call? Is it because he is helping him, the people's rejected Asantehene's puppet, to prop his position?

If he has indeed taken the sheep as gift as alleged, I require explanations from him pronto!

To familiarise yourselves with how and why the yobs destroyed the radio equipment, and who secretly detailed them to do that, readers, please visit the underlying two web links. The links hold so much information.

Some judges have been sacked for accepting cats, dogs, goats, yams or money to twist justice in favour of the party offering such gifts that Anas Aremeyaw Anas was able to reveal them as bribes. I hope the District Police Commander will be very careful before he falls into the trap of Anas.

Until a convincing explanation is given by him, many a Ghanaian will treat the offer as bribe. If he has taken bribe, he must be aware of the repercussions.

Rockson Adofo