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Opinions of Thursday, 29 March 2012

Columnist: Appiah, Kofi

Case Study For Political Science Students – Part 2

The Era Of Unprecedented Scenarios – Case Study For Political Science Students – Part 2

My brothers and sisters, me nuanom Ghanafoo eee! Yaanom, muntie, muntie, muntie, (to borrow ex-Pres. Rawlings catchy phraseology for humorous speeches) - my article would not be complete if you failed to continue reading the subsequent lines as they unfolded. Fellow Ghanaians, if it were a precedent, Ghanaians would not have had a leader who would travel all the long distance to the New World to glue himself to international television screens amidst world-class media top brass for the Unprecedented ‘White House’ Declaration and Proclamation of Ghana as the first country to emerge from Africa to join the developed economies of “The G.8.” because his government now manages a buoyant economy that was in tatters before he took over i.e. 18% to an appreciable single digit inflation in two years and has offered jobs to 1.6 million unemployed citizens within a year despite the prescribed freeze by the World Bank. Very unprecedented indeed! Laugh it off and continue reading to release the tension and ease the nerves.
• It is only President Mills who hears no evil, speaks no evil, and sees no evil and fears to act or react because he might tread on dangerous grounds to step on thorny spiky toes; to him, he was unknown before Jerry brought him to the limelight so does not expect to wrong anyone.
• The junior doctors, who, according to government sources, should have been robots to kowtow them, but invariably, said to be remote-controlled by some certain politicians because most of them cannot think for themselves, are at it again; this time round, the fire has been lit from the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital where common water for surgical purposes and after surgery use is non-existent. Ordinary air-conditioners to keep some selected areas like the operating theatres, consulting rooms and pharmacies cool, have been neglected and relegated to the background. As for indiscriminate littering and the mountain of garbage around the premises is beyond description. The NHIS Capitation Grant that ought to have been on a pilot basis for a few selected clinics has taken a negative dimension in Ashanti. Why Ashanti alone? Only Sallas Mensah and Fred Agbenyo could better explain this gargantuan ulterior motive. Very, very, incredible and unprecedented indeed.
• It is very unprecedented that at a time that the incumbency needs the media relations most, it has decided to boycott the Multi Media Publications that has much wider network nationwide than all the rest. What an unprecedented infantile bluff.
• By courtesy of CNN Projections, (vide Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Metro TV News @ 11) just as Mitt and Ann Romney win the Illinois Primary (the Ashanti version of the U.S.), in the same vein that Nana Akufo Addo would win massively and obviously become the next president. It is unprece -dented that almost all Ghanaians would join Mitt Romney of Illinois to tell Prez. Mills, ENOUGH, on December 7, 2012, for toying with our lives, so in effect, he and his darling nephew, Barack Obama would unprecedentedly become one term president each.
• Just as Mitt Romney is experienced, so also is Nana Akufo; we don’t want any try-an-error-type of presidency in Ghana. It is a pity that most Ghanaians have lost faith in Prof. Mills. He has disappointed the many intellectuals, tribesmen, friends and many, many people. Ghanaians want a change now or never, and a change we need to resurrect our dying souls.
• Fellow countrymen and women, forewarned is forearmed; the rumour mill in town has it that the NDC, using the District Election Officers as their partners in trade, are alleged to have condoned and connived to create additional polling stations (new cells that are non-existent on the national register and are to be forcefully justified for adoption) and collated to be forwarded to the regions for onward submission to the headquarters. As beneficiary, they would certainly detail representatives at these new ‘cemeteries’ to record say, 50, 50 in their favour and if they are able to secure some minimum of 50 votes (preferably from aliens such as Nigerians, Burkinabes, Nigeriennes, Malians and a handful of Ivorians) to be multiplied by the 23,000 polling stations, unknown to the other competitors or contestants in the game of wits, your guess would be as good as mine – their Chubb safe will have stockpiled 1,150,000 votes nationwide from the word go. Please let us be mindful of this evil mindset/ machination and nib any such criminality in the bud and avoid the hassle of another stolen verdict. The prize is up for grabs barring any complacency.
• It is however sad that for the first time in the life of a developing nation such as ours, the spate of strikes, constitutionally backed demonstrations and civil strife by aggrieved parties is unprecedented and unparallel -ed – the POTAG, UTAG, Junior Doctors, Nurses, just to name a few.
• It is really unprecedented that since the 55 years lifespan of Ghana as a nation, the Atta Mills Administration has witnessed one of the worst human rights record never ever exhibited by any civilized democracy – historians would recall and trace the semblance of this brute force to the Stone Age era.
• The modus operandi of Mills security set up is akin to the Gestapo/ KGB/Hungarian/Cuban style to put fear in opponents; it shouldn’t be a surprise then that if the railway system were functional, opponents and critics who continually pester his life for non-performance and the Woyomegate Scandal could have been mauled into the fully sprayed rail vans with poisonous gases like the Nazi holocaust (because of the gigantic Ashanti Project factor that has become a scarecrow and nightmare to him) and try to eliminate them all – do we remember the Adolf Hitler’s Nazi days and the sudden disappearance of some 300 innocent Ghanaians during the PNDC/NDC days when in fact he was vice for the last 4 years?
• Is it not unprecedented that for political and electoral expediency, as many as 42 or more districts and 22 constituencies are being created unconstitu -tionally at the behest of political opponents to probably help him perpetu -ate his presidency? Bills were rushed to the floor of the House without the sector minister supplying each individual member of the House with the relevant Motion Paper and the stipulated time frame of 21 sitting days to run through with deliberations of such a bill for passage. What a goof!
• To Prez. Mills, never ever has there been an unprecedented era that the economy has stood still and inflation rate become stagnant like when Jesus commanded the storm at sea to remain calm.
• Is it again not unprecedented that Prez. Mills, mortal as he is, in 2010 managed to set biblical record by breaking the waters of River Birim when he set foot in the floods around Abomosu near Anyinam in the Eastern Region?
• It is never ever unprecedented that local currency has had stability for some two years but the other side of the coin says that this is the first time in 18 years that the Ghana Cedi has been reduced to trash and an uncontrollable decline and rather apologetically, with toilet tissue having much more usefulness than the Cedi notes. Come again Prof.
• It is highly unprecedented but the fact still remains that some people in government think that most Ghanaians are fools because whether we like it or not Mr. Lee Ocran, minister-designate for Education, had guts to order for some 65,000 laptops for teachers nationwide – was it another ploy to loot our treasury? How many school children have up to date been supplied with the ‘one laptop per child’ programme countrywide? Do they take us for fools always?
• Would it not be an unprecedented catastrophe to have a visionless leader like him to endorse or smuggle it in the national budgets anticipated but unknown unexpected judgment debts to ruin the country? On the strength and order of Mr. Mills, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces and the President of the Republic of Ghana, the ‘yoomo gbe Ga’ Minister on two occasions – 2010/11 willfully inserted colossal figure for judgment debt with Gh?684m for this year with 2010s that implicated Agbesi Woyome in our national budgets? Is this clandestine behavior not very shameful and sabotaging precedent? And what about the actors? How does the president discipline a top service commander if he too should behave this way? Would he spare the rod to spoil the commander or cause his exit from service? S H A M E !!!. Are these instances not some of the causes that naturally call for military take-overs in other countries?
• It is unprecedented indeed that security fights with security. Dog bites dog scenario; it was an unprecedented shameful sight that cast a big slur on all Ghanaians with the president taking the biggest chunk of it for presiding over matters.
• It is rather unfortunate and unprecedented that Prez. Obama finds solace in a friend whose single effort or policy undertaken by his government has somersaulted.
• Is this a natural coincidence or sheer one? Was It predicted that one day we would have an unprecedented leader who would reduce the presidency to the lowest ebb; the unpardonable presidential confession and admission that his name cannot be sold for even Gh?1.00 is just, just unprecedented – like an orphan who has been gifted with a ball from a philanthropist, you know how he behaves - he runs home to show the ball to his parents and all playmates in the neighbourhood.
• Even though we have single digit inflation, our pockets that should show positive signs of wealth creation do not, but remain empty without money and where we are capable, we are able to buy only kenkey without fish.
• The application and enforcement of laws by our police to incarcerate people is highly unprecedented in the Mills-Mahama Administration to the extent that civil cases whose investigative ingredients ought to be pursued and or determined by the courts have been usurped by them. One therefore wonders whether there are human beings and non-human beings. Their brute actions and inactions, quite unprecedented and contrary to international norms are, no doubt, appreciated by His Excellency otherwise he would have roared and charged once to scare them.
• It is unprecedented that in the Mills-Mahama Administration, there are two categories of persons – those with red blood and the down trodden ones with ‘dirty engine oil’ type of blood, forgetting that each person has one electoral vote.
• In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is the chief and for Prez. Obama to emphatically say that Ghanaians should count themselves lucky to have Prof. Mills as their leader was quite below the belt. Why did he not decide to ‘dzi ne fie asem’, to wit, mind his own boggling business back home to grapple with the enormous domestic hassle and bustle – to deal with the downward trend of the American economy, the unemployment menace and the crucial November 6 elections to decide his fate for re-election or one term presidency was what he should have consulted our president to arrange with T.B. Joshua for occultist assistance for him?
• It is unprecedented because, in his own words, this was not the first time that ministers of state have travelled abroad with girlfriends so if Muntaka Murbarak had done so, he does not see anything wrong, inferring that he had to spare the rod and support wrong-doing.
• It is unprecedented that it is only the Mills-Mahama’s government that the national security/police service has the guts to interpret the laws enshrined in our constitution instead of the courts and supposedly has his backing to do so otherwise, we would have seen some reforms from his actions.
• Prez. Mills’s Administration that has gained notoriety for conducting district assembly elections in tots since independence has set an enviable record to place it on an unprecedented pedestal for emulation in the sub-region and it should not surprise anybody that the electoral biometric registration would not be different from that – take it from me.
• It is unprecedented that while he was the vice president, he never queried the genuineness of the Rice Project but helped to mastermind and super-intend the dole of $20m to Ms. Cotton whose authentic background he failed completely in his capacity as Tax law professor to investigate from the United States for rice growing in the Aveyime area of the Volta Region.
• It is unprecedented indeed that it was NDC.2 under Mills that anticipated and fraudulently allocated and inserted some judgment debts like the cruelly crafted ‘indemnity clauses’ like the predecessor PNDC within the national budget. Is that the latest ‘Sakawa’ conduit pipe for siphoning state money at the expense of the poor tax-payer?
• Prof. Mills’s inability to do due diligence before rushing parliament to pass the Korea STX $10bn. housing Bill with the NDC majority and endorsing it with our Sovereign guarantee needs much to be desired and that fiasco ruining the nation of so much financial loss to the state has sent his unprecedented stance to the cleaners.
• And what about the ‘collateralization of our God-given oil and ballooning bluff and insults’ that were hurled on Ghanaians including total disrespect and show of power by the vice-president. He was a much more revered personality until that day. Was it not just unprecedented to spit hell and brimstone? Did he or did he not make some gains after parliament had been surreptitiously forced to pass that bill late that night? Meanwhile, has anybody visited the sod-cutting site for the security housing project lately? What therefore prevents the government from putting finishing touches to the Kufuor’s projects that have reached roofing stages with only internal fittings and furnishings left to breast the tape? Silly.
• Again, it is unprecedented because just within 72 hours that Kofi Wayo roared like the Adaklu lion from the Dodowa Forest that Ghana Embassy in Serbia should be closed down to save costs, immediately, Prez. Mills succumbed to Kofi’s call and Victor Smith was brought down to take charge of the Eastern Region as minister-designate and also to enhance his chances of contesting the Abuakwa North constituency in parliamentary elections also in the region otherwise, how was he going to contest the seat if he had not come down? Was Chuk Wayo at the cabinet meeting that decided the fate of Victor at the Osu Castle that day?
• It is unprecedented that Messrs Kwame Peprah and Sikpah Yankey, both barred by the constitution to hold public office in Ghana for being ex-convicts, have been flouted by Prof. Mills (because he thinks there is no other authority on law reforms in Ghana save him) to infringe the constitution and gone ahead to assign them as board members of state institutions.
• How come that Allotey Jacobs, the educated fisherman and Kofi Knows All Wayo, the international critic of all governments of Ghana –both past and present and an enemy to the western developed economies – become board members of the ECG and the Energy Commission respectively alleged to be collecting daily sitting allowances of Gh?1,300 multiplied by the number of sittings annually? Was it job for the boys?
• It is very, very unprecedented for Candidate Mills, then as opposition leader, to cast aspersions on ex-Prez. Kufuor to the extent that because he hailed from the forest belt area (kookooase kuraseni barima), apologies to Kobby Acheampong, that was why he had relocated all the cold stores and their offices from the Fanteland to Kumasi and that if his tribesmen, the Fantes, predominantly fisherfolks, voted for him to win power, he would reverse the trend to transform their lives and lifestyles; but what do we see? Outboard motors that are used to propel canoes for long distance fishing haul then being sold for Gh?2,900.00 during Kufuor’s time now sells at Gh?8,000.00. Can you see the vast difference of Gh?51m from Gh?29m to ?80m?
• Why can’t the president boast as the unprecedented leader of our time? The author thinks that he may have or has many reasons or causes but to him, the order of prominence were that he was the only one who has shown gross disrespect for the rule of law and show of avarice by his greedy bastard ministers and appointees; he has shown impunity and allowed nepotism to creep in to take major portion of the decision of his government by surrounding himself with the Moulds, the Ahwois and the Tsikatas just like the NDC1 – Alex for the National Petroleum Authority and Betty, the biological sister and the recent past Education Minister and formerly Attorney-General and Minister of Justice through whose hands the erstwhile CP unjustifiably drove quickly from the ‘payment spot’ in Accra and flew away from Ghana with a whopping Gh?800m judgment debt for free without sweat and the Woyomegate Scandal of Gh?51m. also for free; the Chief State Attorney, Mr. Nerquaye, whose wife never made any skirmishes, but was gifted with Gh?400m., should not be glossed over; furthermore, any intelligent reasoning being or a discerning mind would probe to ask how much then could have been offered the sector minister and the ‘Paramount Chief’ of Ghana himself if the palms of Nerquaye’s wife was greased with this gargantuan figure? How dare they? Are you there or gone to the underground world for hibernation? Brother Cadman Mills too is purported to be taking some cool Gh?6,000/per mensem, the Peter Boamah Otukunors and Carl Wilson, formerly of the National Security outfit still drawing fat salaries at the expense of the Ghanaian tax-payer and you want doctors and POTAG/UTAG to keep marking time with the brag that you had completed some 90% success story with the Single Spine Salary Structure. An unprecedented irony, isn’t it?
• Do some politicians learn the history of the world at all? Do we still remember the late Bro. Muamar al Gadafi, the bonafide owner of oil rich Libya, the brethren and the household? Was it not unprecedented that with all the might of the unthinkable warfare, hopefully or allegedly, some chemical WMD at his disposal, artillery and security, backed by wealth at home in bunkers and those stashed abroad in foreign banks including gold bars, special investments littered in Africa and elsewhere, when the time struck, his sordid and shameful end suddenly came one Thursday, October 11, 2011, and that was it so African leaders should be mindful to take a cue that certainly there would be a day of reckoning and could just be around the corner.
• It is unprecedented because when the president’s stern directive not to pay Alfred Agbesi Woyome’s first tranche of judgment debt of Gh?17m it was ignored and over-rided because of disrespect and disregard for him and the presidency. Can anybody prove me wrong?
• It is unprecedented that under Mills, the floating meter that measures the quantity of Ghana’s oil for export via the Osagyefo Barge at the Jubilee Oil fields, at Cape Three Points, was mysteriously damaged only to replace it with the ‘colonial’ dip-stick for some three months. In fact, wonders will never end in Ghana. Could this fast track trick be played on Nigerians? Did some few millions of U.S. dollars ever change hands? Who was/were the beneficiary/ies?
• How does Ghana Government under Mills enter into such an inimical, inhuman and unprecedented ‘collateralized’ agreement with China for $3bn and to grant them monopoly to lift our oil for as long as 15½ years which is incompatible with international norms?
• One wonders whether Ghana has a leader because before the president appoints persons into positions a, b and c, the Chairman of the Council of State, Prof. Kofi Awonoor, would have disappointed him by making similar appointments to x, y and z positions to neutralize that to warrant the ‘Ore haw me, ore haw me’ chorus. Mr. Chairman, you troubling me too much. Why? Why? Why? Oh why?
• It is unprecedented to have Prez. Mills claim to the title ‘unprecedented president’ of Ghana because, just as everybody thought ex-President Rawlings had groomed him to have political milk teeth, he would, naturally have seen to take care of, and cajole him that his mentor would also lose his teeth before leaving him to fate, but not; he wants to see him totally crushed to death with apologies to Johnson Wax’s insecticide advert, ‘kojoo, kojoo, to’ – insecticide that kills insects instantly to death.
• Within a spate of three years, the country has unprecedentedly, under Prez. Mills, sought for $16bn loan that does not have any correlation whatsoever to the so called infrastructure development being touted by the government.
By: [email protected]

As readers desperately try their best to read the last of the series to breast the tape of the marathon thesis, at least they would have formed their own independent judgment of the unprecedented president who has not been a performer as compared to the list of presidential ratings this country has ever had but really a failure in all aspects. His best could be the Gold Medal for Judgment Debt Settlement, with CP, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, etc taking precedence. Please endeavour to read it and gradually, you would get there.
• Again, one would have thought that Prez. Mills governance that has seen so much improvement in domestic tax upward adjustments, enormous foreign loan contracts, belt-tightening structural policies, and having passed through the political furnace (mill) under Rawlings’ tutelage for four years; contested General Elections twice in 2000 as candidate including re-run (December 7 and 28, 2000), once in 2004 and twice again also in 2008 – Dec. 7 and 28 with the deciding ‘battle of nerves’ on Sunday, January 4, 2009 in the Tain Constituency of the Brong Ahafo Region, to determine the winner of the elections because no true winner had emerged between you and Nana Akufo Addo, that ultimately went in your favour, i.e. 4 years plus 2 elections in 2000; one in 2004 plus 3 in 2008, a historic total of 6 elections unmatched by any politician in Africa and probably elsewhere in the world until you won power; but the assembly of a crack team to work with to make life worth living for your countrymen and women that should not have posed any problem(s) to you at all face you like an uphill task; nevertheless and notwithstanding, the writer would like to charge you that your tenure of office would forever go down in history as the worst and most unprecedented and painful in Ghana whether you like it or not.
• You need not be pampered. He wants to tell it as it is – you have disap pointed the intellectuals; you have incurred the displeasure of many professionals; you have disgraced your tribesmen; you have deprived many of the sources of livelihood for the poverty-stricken – corruption of your ministers and appointees has deprived many of food on their tables; shelter and clothing that are necessary must-get-ingredients in life for many have temporarily become non-existent and God will not forgive you as our Shepherd. The Lord abhors that seriously and finally, as a mortal being born of a woman, you have not been truthful to your Creator; worst of it all, you have allowed to be conferred on you the biblical title that best befits Jesus Christ and He only, the Prince of Peace without any caution. This is certainly an unprecedented blasphemous. Furthermore, because you allowed emotions to control a better part of your person, that has not been helpful and a pleasant sight to the Lord. You must be told this truth and must be told in an unambiguous plain language. Please repent over this and be more prayerful for the dangerous days are at hand. The ultimate pain could be very excruciating but must endeavour to swallow the bitter pill and absorb the shocks. Don’t pretend on the outside that you’re a Christian whilst in the innermost part of you, you genuinely are not. Vengeance is however God’s. Never allow your lieutenants around you dictate to you and out of frustrated emotions, some thinking that you’re a woman, a non-performer or whatever, be tempted to be angered by such whisperings of rumour to play Pontius Pilate and order for, or endorse for their incarceration. Take it from me that all will go against you and not them and would be equally punished for that on judgment day if you know for sure it is an occasion to come your way one day.
• Of late, public testimonies about these false prophets and ministers of religion parading as problem-solvers for women are however testamentary enough that I should spare the rod but those hundreds of bad nuts who had not been ordained and touched by the hand of the Lord and operate from mushroom churches littered nationwide have gone to the gutters to spoil the reputation of all the decent ones – some ending up in jail, serving long sentences on shameful charges of rape, defilement, theft of foreign currency, jewelry, adultery, and other corruptible acts at the detriment of church members. They are all a nuisance to commit such shameful acts, but what can we do?
• The list is endless but would like to crown if with recruitments in the security services – some poor job-seekers pay Gh?1,000 or you forget about pursuing your ambition. Generally, the whole nation has become a country of ‘murderers’. It is a big shame. What kind of a country do we live in? Finally, Mr. President, be bold to tell God the intended ulterior motive as to why the so-called Mills’ Special Forces have been established, the merits and demerits alike should be told your God for forgiveness and memorize solemnly in mind without anybody present in your bedroom (not even your wife) and reflect soberly the very wrongs against humanity, known and unknown, because man is the like image of God and beg for forgiveness so that all the wrongs that must have been committed erroneously, consciously or subconsciously, by you or members of your government, willful insults against the elderly and almost anybody who comes in sight because they were in government now and that the State security were at their beckoning, forgetting that the Walls of Jericho fell without a single shot, strongman Saddam Husein of Iraq – 30 years rule is gone and soon to be forgotten because of his atrocities against humanity; Hosni Mubarak of Egypt too, with his 29 years rule, will be forgotten in history because of alleged oppression of the black Egyptians and finally, Muamar al Gaddafi of the oil richest country in Africa (Libya) is gone and gone forever – his 42 long years of autocratic and tired but boring rule became a target of tyranny and especially because of his penchant to be the first Continental President of Africa never succeeded; he would probably be only remembered mostly by his immediate relatives and kith and kin from Sirte - and all, repeat all your personal omissions and commissions would be accepted by your Creator if you confessed in good faith – ref. the Publican and the Pharisee at prayer session. Prof. I am done and don’t think this revelations should constitute enmity between us.
• It is quite unprecedented and unheard of anywhere in the world that the Chairman of the NDC and sitting government should brace himself as the hatchet man to cleanse the Judiciary by declaring that ‘there were so many ways of killing the cat’ just to intimidate and bully the judiciary to kowtow and win legal battles against the opposition so as to silence their followers and supporters when the leaders were in prison.
• It is only Prez. Mills who would, unprecedentedly, travel outside Ghana’s borders to honour official appointments with the international business community of the U.S. and the World Bank slated for New Year’s Day, January 1, 2012 because they have no respect for such important holidays.
• Why will Mr. Mills’s government not go down as unprecedented prize winner for being the first in our history books to break the record for setting up as many as 500 committees of enquiries within three years? However, anybody with a clue to the number should help with the answer as the writer stands for correction.
• In the history of Ghana’s official competitive bidding for infrastructure projects and procurements, it is only during Pres. Mills tenure that bidding documents had been forcefully breached with contempt and taken away by NDC party miscreants from Wa, the Upper West Regional capital despite bidding costs to individual bidders because they had not been fairly treated by the powers that be, i.e. to them, ‘monkey de work and baboon de chop’ in the pidgin English and correctly means that for far too long, they had been hewers of wood and drawers of water and that untoward action was to teach them a lesson.
• We know for an unprecedented fact that the Mills’ Administration has produced so many 30 year old young ministers, who had not led any meaningful life worth living at all to be able to purchase the ‘colo’ ‘Town Hall’ furniture nor a gramophone and worked anywhere in their lives before January 2009. Except for a couple of them, all of them have been one way or the other been corruptible enough to put up magnificent houses within three years and even wedded wives in far away United States amidst fanfare without retribution from the paymaster.
• To bring the curtains down, anyway, the writer wants the world to know that as a result of inconsistencies in the management of our economy and the hardships galore, about 60% of our youth have been caught in the craze for riches and is unprecedented in our history and there is virtually nothing the authorities can do because the ‘Sakawa’ business has come to stay – no gainful employment to absorb them.

• Finally, our president has cause to be an unprecedented leader because, to all intents and purposes, until his assumption of office, there were the many skeptics who thought that because of the fluency in the Queen’s English, and the oratorical skills in lectureship at university campuses and what have you, he would be a performer, but during the swearing-in ceremony that was characterized with fumbling of words, Her Ladyship, Justice Georgina Theodora Wood, should have started afresh but the fact that tension had set in from that day, January 7, 2009, and that aspect was ignored, all his, repeat, all his practical field work as President of the Republic from thence proved negative; father for all, but father for a selected few; if you voted for me or not, I would not discriminate, but the opposite is what we see, drastic reduction of fuel price to Gh?2.00 or ?20,00/per gallon, his government is on record to have engaged as many as 5,000 persons into the security services military, police, immigration, Fire, prisons, –allegedly, with more than 1,000 from the backdoor on the protocol list scooped from nowhere without the requisite qualifications into the mainstream Forces while the earlier recruitments into the Force accounted for non-Ghanaians. However, even if they were Ghanaians, persons such as the Tony Aidoos who lost power and were gifted with it again forcefully misconstrued and agitated to the whole world that all of them were in fact Kufuor’s children, nephews, nieces, brothers, sisters, grannies, etc. that is why they ensured that they were given the marching orders and shown the exit from completing their recruitment training because they were all not Ghanaians - do you see how the earth rotates round the world?
• That recruitment, genuine as it were, however cost the abrupt and unprecedented end of a qualified law professional soldier, Col. Kwadwo Damuah, of the Personnel Directorate from the Ghana Army without a hoot nor a protest from the Military High Command because they too had been diagnosed to have been allegedly suffering from acute chronic paralysis thereby throwing their professional competency to the wind to serve an ‘idol’ to endorse wrongdoing. Sycophancy indeed at its highest order.
• As if by a stroke of accident, the Prof. envisaged a lean government but has been confronted with an equally large government; to remove the filth round Accra but still it’s a mountain of filth, he mounts political platforms to plead for clemency and ceasefire of insults often-times, but Asiedu Nketiah, his uncontrollable and incorrigible ‘Field Marshall’ & General Secretary, always muddies the waters and stirs the atmosphere; in fact he has always been the worst offender and acted severally as the villain of the peace. Even in some circles, people tease him as an apology to the intelligentsia class.
• Prof. Mills seems to be the unprecedented leader because he has supervised a government that wasted as much as Gh?1.6m i.e. ?1.6 bn on tea parties during the transition in a matter of 2 months.
• Furthermore, for record purposes, Stan Dogbe at the presidency is reported to have also willfully dishing out Gh?1.6m. i.e. ?1.6bn as dole money on just one press soiree. How was the attendance? So people don’t fear evil while there are 1,001 schools under trees still crying for help; hospitals and clinics still yawning for doctors, nurses and drugs.
• My brothers and sisters from the North, please lend me your ears. The much touted SADA – Savannah Accelerated Development Authority that Prof. Mills promised bread and butter and stated emphatically and categorically that if all of you voted for him or not, he would ensure that as his number one priority, pump some $500m for take-off of that gigantic project to make life worthwhile in the north. Let me ask all of you this simple question. To date, what has become of this gargantuan unfulfilled promise that has rendered this gargantuan project to become a white elephant? How is Tamale, Illiasu? Are you there and do you hear me from afar? Was this too also political talk to win your votes? Fine. My brothers, the first fool is not a fool and again, my sisters, the second fool too is not a fool but third fool they say is a big fool. So advise yourselves and let posterity judge the proponents of that investment.
• Fellow countrymen and women from the North, my brothers and sisters, how do you see H.E. John Dramani Mahama also from the North, feet-dragging so that the multi-million SADA project that should see you people through, reduce the urban drift from the north to the south and also further enhance the lifestyles of the gigantic number of ‘kayayee’ porters becoming a stillborn and not coming to fruition? Don’t you think he is a traitor? My mouth is not a gun anyway, Mr. Vice President. This is just in passing.
• The author would like all Ghanaians to note the unprecedented unnatural behavior of a president like Prof. John Mills, who, in 2001 enjoyed all his entitled emoluments as former Vice President for his end-of-service benefits as prescribed by the Greenstreet Report but has, to date, selfishly failed to honour an equally constitutionally mandated Chinery Hesse Report that qualifies ex-Prez. Kufuor to also enjoy same end-of-service benefits. Could this indifferent behavior of Mr. Mills be attributed to the Judas Iscariot’s kind of hatred for Jesus Christ or jealousy or pettiness? One wonders whether the Clergy in Ghana have stood up to counsel him on this subject. I stand for correction if payment was done only yesterday to give him the benefit of the doubt and the official presidential accommodation.
• Ladies and Gentlemen, please permit me to create one last humorous joke here, and it is this – how many people took notice of the font size of the presidential speech that was read by His Excellency when he was on the floor of the house of the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year? The right winner with the correct answer fetches 5 maximum points with a free ticket to South Africa via South African Airways. Can anybody provide the answer from the five objective answers – 20, 28, 36, 48 or 72? Wasn’t the font size an unprecedented scenario indeed?
• Is it not unprecedented that apart from Hon. Joseph Yieleh Chiereh, former minister of Health, who mustered courage to cause the abrupt end of Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, former CEO of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital from active service, no, repeat no minister seems to be on top to take bold decisions and responsibilities as a minister for blame; everybody wants to apportion blame on the other. Examples were former Hon. Zita Okaikwei and John Akologo Tia who became mere robot sector ministers with the vociferous deputies doing the dirty work for the government. Except for a couple of them whose voices were seldom heard on air, all others have recoiled in their shells, leaving their deputies on display on air and television screens to explain govern -ment programmes and policies to the people – hence the Okudzeto Ablakwas, the Baba Jamals and the Agyenim Boatengs roaring like lions all the time on the airwaves.
• Have discerning minds followed the strange acquisition of special BMW 7 Series by two cabinet ministers – Joe Gidisu and Alban Bagbin? How did the acquisitions go and did they purchase the two special BMW 7 series themselves or were involved with unprecedented and gargantuan corruptions? What special services did Gidisu and Bagbin respectively give to Highways and Tema Development Corporation to warrant the offers or gifts or kick-backs? Has the president reacted publicly to the purchases and the mysterious circumstances that led to their seizure or confiscation by the Castle? What was the outcome of the investiga -tions? Was it in camera or in public?
• Was it not unprecedented to hear on air (courtesy Adom FM news at 0600 hours Tuesday, March 27, 2012) that Prof’s Mills Regional Minister for Brong Ahafo, Hon. Nyamekye Marfo to have the guts and impunity to warn one Kwaku Yeboah, an NPP polling assistant to refrain from the ‘nonsense’ and showdown of 2008 otherwise, he would show him, Kwaku, where power lies? Before Yeboah could say Jack, where are you, and what have I done, Honourable, the regional boss asked his uncouth and ‘wee like smoking’ body guards to unleash mayhem on poor Kwaku to show him where power actually lies because his government was in power. Common bio-metric registration has warranted the use of brutal force; firce and heinous crimes, haaba! No condition is permanent, Mr. Minister. I want to sound a word of caution to Mr. Nyamekye Marfo that he is a total disgrace to his party in the region and an apology to the elite class, and not until he changed a new leaf for the better, he would be presumed to be a square peg in a round hole because the behaviours of the duo were like pygmies who were perishing because they lacked spiritual knowledge. How dare you? Come again.
• Can anybody interpret the meaning of the infuriating and unprece -dented statement “hwe, okraman noa opo nnipa wo fie ha da biara no, afei dee, yaanom, y’apam no ma no ko wiram” to the president? Did Prez. Mills express any misgivings soon after this bombshell? The meaning of the proverbial barking dog in this context etc. and bla, bla, bla was Jerry Rawlings, the so-called Founder and bank-roller of the party has been driven and cast out to the point of ostracizing him from the NDC to go hang and speculative rumours are even suggestive and indicative enough that if he does not behave himself well and further tries his usual characteristic manoeuvres as before to play the buffoon, could land himself in jail. ‘Apupuo a oboo ne nsuo paa ni na afei oda nsukakyer yi? How come that the Alfa and Omega of NDC, the no-challenger bank-roller should now find himself in precarious distress situation to extend an SOS call for assistance? The incarceration of Ernest Owusu Bempah in BNI cells and the final blow to your spokesman, Kofi Adams, to be flushed out of the national executive are glaring traffic indicators that the axe is just at your doorstep so Maasa, (to quote Kwesi Praat Jnr.) you better be careful. The world, truly, is now a stage. Mr. Rawlings, never mind, you should advise your children to specifically run away from repeating the past mistakes of the unforgettable ‘Swedru Declaration’ to avoid the flurry of insults. You have come to play your part. Your 19 years of service to Mother Ghana whether good or bad is unsurpassed; be content with it and leave the rest to posterity to judge.
• Meanwhile, one impeccable and unprecedented thing that our presi -dent has morally failed to do but has not done as yet was to learn to say ‘I am sorry’, ‘I beg for your forgiveness’ Ghanaians; and hope if he would ever have the courage to apologize from a contrite heart in good faith, believe you me, all the peace-loving Ghanaians will accept his apology and forget about the past.
• The author admonishes you to draw closer to God in prayer and show signs of remorsefulness; to ponder anew, reflect soberly like King David of old on the atrocities your Administration must have inflicted on the populace - the BNI and the Police brutalities including wrongful and envious incarceration of people to show their power, (do you remember Uriah’s wife who became a bait to the king only for him to lose his life at the battlefield– in this case, Madam Selina died in BNI custody to render her husband wifeless). And what about innocent Maikankan who, in solidarity and defence of Hon. Asamoah Boateng in BNI custody, he also lost his life in cold blood through the brute force and misapplication of spray of water cannons and purported deadly chemicals from armoured vehicles to drive away rowdy crowd. Hope Messrs. Yaw Donkoh and Paul Tawiah Quaye would listen attentively and to take note here; heaven’s gate will only open for individual persons and you’d have no cause that you served your master’s purpose, no way! Mr. IGP, you better stand up to your professionalism because on assumption, you promised to exhibit professionalism and nothing else. It looks like that he is being bought over by power to forget about professionalism. partisanship. If you or your subordinates delight to enter into politics, please remove the uniform the State has purchased for you and secure party card to join the political fray and mount platforms. The cheating military of civilian properties should beware and forget about their uniforms; the cheating greedy CEPS officials at the ports, the unpatriotic cheating Immigration officers at the entry points, the cheating economic saboteur Forestry officials on timber loggers, the cheating lawyers and their counterpart judges allegedly extort monies from unsuspecting feuding factions in the courts; the cheating Police MTTU of innocent motorists for being truants on the roads and for carrying bulky/ voluminous cargoes relegating the inspection of DVLA/Insurance documents etc; the many cheating miscreants and thugs who have been recruited and employed by the various Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies as Task Forces whose duties they abandon and resort to extorting monies from all kinds of developers; public officials wickedly charge innocent persons seeking assistance from their offices – eg. a case in point was when the writer visited the Registrar-General’s Office last Tuesday – March 20, 2012 to be confronted with a middle aged woman who wanted to know how much it cost to register a sole proprietorship company. This unsuspecting woman had earlier told me her other sister was in one of the offices trying to negotiate and bargain for reduction from Gh?300 to Gh?100 because they needed it as express to enable them travel to Dubai and China as traders but the lady officer would not budge. Is that how to capitalize on one’s illiteracy to make quick money at the expense of others? And the irony of it all was that on church days, she and her colleagues would be the first to be at church to sing praises to the Lord. How? Forget about the passport office, then go to the licensing office where you would see corruption at its highest; thank God, Ghana Airways is no more, otherwise, if one failed to part with say, $100 or £50 note at the check-in counter, then the flight that you have personally re-confirmed for departure to Europe would leave you behind at the Kotoka Airport because your name would be obliterated from the passenger manifest; then again follow up further to the births and deaths registry, why is it that everybody wants to cheat in the system? I need not talk about the bank managers and their subordinate staff – you have to part with your gift money before a loan is granted you and the vulnerable women always fall prey to them else, your application would not be granted or considered. Someone would have queried as to why I failed to include the men of the religion.
• To quote Dr. Myles Munroe, the celebrated Liberian Renowned Motivational Speaker & Business Consultant of international repute, he entreats all Ghanaians, both tall and short, man or woman, boy or girl, rich or poor, politician or civilian, literate or illiterate, thick or thin, but not to chase wealth or riches but to help the poor and the vulnerable in society. Money and wealth are good but not an end to everything. (Ref. Metro TV Good Evening Ghana programme hosted by Paul Adom Otchere – the guest being the celebrated Speaker above named on Thursday, March 22, 2012). He further charged us to go to the land and make use of it. Again, he appealed to our leaders to think about the future of the Ghanaian children and the children yet unborn and reiterated that international agreements entered into by our politicians should be of benefit to all and sundry including the children yet unborn but not to resort to chasing riches/wealth for personal gains. He entreated us to eschew greed and avarice. Leaders should take their time to sow and expect that one day they would reap the benefits from the harvesters who are the citizenry. It is hoped that as you come to the end of the journey of the unprecedented era of Prof. Mills at least you must have made your own informed judgment so that ‘toa na pe na homa de koo’ to wit, if you are consumed by power, you tend to act foolishly. He marked the examinations that he set himself and pretends he did everything by himself without anybody’s assistance.

By: [email protected]