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Opinions of Thursday, 10 February 2022

Columnist: K Badu, UK

Cease the needless opulence and shenanigans, you Akufo-Addo appointees out there!

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

A political party, as a matter of fact, is a coalescence of individuals who believe in a distinct ideology with the sole aim of working collaboratively towards winning political power and forming a formidable government to alleviate the plight of the masses.

The sitting president also has the prerogative to appoint people who believe in his/her ideology and vision, and/or are willing to work collaboratively towards achieving the ultimate goal.

Although the Secondi Municipal District Chief Executive’s recent public conduct has received massive condemnation, the public have unfortunately overlooked the needless provocation by the police officer in question.

Nevertheless, the MDCE should have contained his emotional intelligence and composure, for after all, “Leadership is not just power and dominance; it is service to mankind.”

A true leader, in theory, sees his/her work as altruistic service toward accomplishing a goal. That is by putting the acquired skills, experience, knowledge and empathetic qualities at the disposal of the needs of his/her subordinates.

Much as we would like to tear the offending MDCE into shreds, he is, in fact, not alone.

There are countless government appointees whose conduct and behaviour stink to high heaven. Some of them, so to speak, are hot-headed.

They prefer to be treated as kings and queens and forgetting that they have been appointed to serve the public.

The all-important question is: what message are they sending to the people who voted them into power?

Take, for instance, it is being alleged that some appointees of the government at the Tema Harbour are preposterously and unlawfully auctioning importers goods with impunity.

If that was to be the case, aren’t they sending a wrong message to the general public? Yes they are.

We hereby urge the appointing authorities to investigate the ongoing abuse at the Tema Harbour and bring the culprits into book. Ghana indeed is for all Ghanaians, but not for a privilege few.

Isn’t it ridiculous to come out with pathetic and flimsy excuses and auction importers goods to friends and family for pittance?

It is about time we gleaned the rotten ‘nuts’ from the good ones.

That being said, there are level-headed appointees out there who are really hitting the ground running and must be commended.

If the prevailing ‘vineyard’ news is to be believed, then we can conclude that some people who have been given the opportunity to serve in the current NPP administration are taking things for granted.

Much as some of the allegations may be a mere tenuous work of the lousy opposition, the Akufo-Addo appointees cannot and must not keep opening themselves to ‘the vineyard news mongers’, who are ever ready to pounce on any inconsequential issues regardless.

Mind you, there are thousands of capable party loyalists who can handle those positions, but did not get the opportunity. So, the lucky appointees should keep their heads down and keep hitting the ground running.

Besides, it will be politically suicidal if the NPP government appointees turned away from their brassbound party loyalists, many of whom worked their socks off to ensure the electoral victory in the 2016 and 2020 general elections.

We can all attest to the fact that during the 2016 and 2020 electioneering campaigns, the vast majority of the supporters at the lower end of the ladder worked extremely hard than most of the people who have landed government appointments.

In any case, the NPP government appointees can choose to trample upon the ordinary hardworking and selfless men and women, albeit at their own peril.

Although the vast majority of the supporters knew very well that they’ll never in a million years get appointment in government, they persevered and worked strenuously to ensure victory in the 2016 and 2020 general elections.

In fact, the best the NPP government could do for those party loyalists and the millions of discerning Ghanaians who worked studiously to bring the party into power, is to fulfil a satisfactory number of the promises.

In sum, President Akufo-Addo and his appointees must keep on the good job by initiating expedient policies to overturn the failed policies under the erstwhile NDC administration such as agriculture, poverty reduction and resource allocation in the areas of healthcare, education, finance, supply chain management and security sector planning, amongst others.

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