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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Cease this unprofessional practice of selective justice in Ghana now!

Ghana is dangerously hurtling down the slippery slope to the era of the PNDC Military regime where the culture of silence prevailed absolutely. It was the order of the day that anyone who dared challenge, oppose or criticise the government, or any of its members or their policies, constructively or otherwise, was either arrested or made to disappear from the land of the living. Everybody had to agree with the government, sing their praises and pay obeisance to tin god Rawlings and his cabal of political vampires.

Sadly, the visitation of that era has forcibly dawned once again on Ghanaians by the intentional practice of selective justice under the Atta Mills/John Mahama and John Mahama/Amissah-Arthur NDC-led regimes.

When you are not an NDC faithful, your chances of being molested, arrested and, or prosecuted for the same magnitude of offence or jokes that an NDC member will commit, but with impunity, is ten times if not a hundredfold.

I quite remember that during President Mills' time, an NPP member who responded to an insult by a member of the NDC on Nana Akufo Addo, by similarly teasing President Mills was arrested but not that NDC member who started the whole nonsense. I remember the police charging him with causing fear and panic among the Ghanaian public. I should think to have put out a publication condemning the biases and the stupid politicisation of the Ghana security forces.

Again, a prominent member of the NDC, a lawyer by profession or studies, from the Central region said if the Supreme Court decided the case for Nana Akufo Addo, he would support a coup d'état in Ghana. He said this during the sittings of the Supreme Court on the election 2012 petition brought against the Electoral Commission and the then doubtfully elected President Mahama, alleging electoral fraudulences that facilitated the victorious election of Presidential candidate Mahama as the President of Ghana.

Barely three months or so ago, I heard an NDC member from Kumasi grant an interview on the radio to a radio presenter of either Peace FM or one of her sister stations. He said that the NDC people and he have got their machetes ready to go on rampage to behead NPP people if they embarked on a proposed public demonstration or something of the sort in Kumasi. He went on to say that even DCOP Kofi Boakye was supportive of his stance and would even assist in his acclaimed intended killings.

Tried as the presenter did to get him retract his probably spurious, but boastful statement, this idiot stuck to his guns.

From the few instances of either banter or seriously intended actions made public by the members of the NDC, none of them was cited for causing fear and panic in public. They were not called for questioning let alone, arrested and prosecuted.

If such utterances or statements had been made by members of the NPP or the other Opposition parties' members, they would have been arrested there and then. I find this situation nonsensical and extremely dangerous for Ghana in her infant stage of practising democracy.

All those court judges and security personnel in the country directly or indirectly helping with the propping up of that silly practice of selective justice will have themselves to blame should the country descend into chaos as a result of that practice.

Nothing is working well at the moment in Ghana yet; we have the intensification of the practice of selective justice directed at silencing people all in a bid to strengthening the government.

If someone says President Mahama will fall down on 6th March 2016 during the Independence Day parade, why should he be arrested and remanded to prison custody by a Court judge? What is the big deal about that? Did the person mean President Mahama will be killed or there will be a coup d'état to remove him from office by his use of "fall down?" In case he simply meant he will fall down as in someone tripping and falling over as it did happen to Nana Akufo Addo when his election campaign platform collapsed and he fell, what is criminal about it?

I am really sick and tired of the nonsenses going on in Ghana at the behest of the incompetent, but expert thieves, at the helm of the nation's affairs.

Find below the entire reproduction of the content of a short news item that appeared on that has so much angered me hence this rebuttal.

"Accra, March 1, GNA - Kwame Gyebi, a man arrested for allegedly stating that President John Dramani Mahama will ''fall down'' during this year's Independence Day parade has been remanded by an Accra Circuit Court.

Gyebi, 33, is being held on charges of threat of death and offensive conduct.

The Court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh did not take his plea.

Gyebi is expected to reappear on March 14.

Gyebi is alleged to have made the comment at a drinking spot at Dzworwulu in Accra and this was witnessed by some people.

He was said to have boasted that he knew what he was referring to and dared any one to mark his words and the matter was reported to the Airport Police".

Rockson Adofo