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Opinions of Thursday, 8 August 2019

Columnist: Patriotic think tank

Celebrating the outstanding performance of Kingsley Agyemang

Kingsley Agyemang Kingsley Agyemang

As a body that has taken upon itself to conduct extensive analysis and studies into pertinent issues bothering on the socio-economic wellbeing of our people, as well as assess the performances of the various public office holders and government appointees, we can boldly conclude that, Mr. Kingsley Agyemang, the Registrar of the Scholarship Secretariat of Ghana, is one of the outstanding appointees in this Akufo-Addo led administration.

Mr. Agyemang, as the head of the secretariat mandated to handle and award government scholarships for human resource development and growth of the country, has so far excelled above and beyond in his roles by meeting and expanding his range of responsibility, demonstrating initiative and creativity in tackling challenges, and introducing new operational reforms to reposition the "once-defunct" institution in order to achieve its aims and objectives.

It is therefore not surprising that the number of the brilliant-but-needy students that have benefitted from government scholarship under has increased substantially.

The Scholarships Secretariat, headed by Mr. Agyemang, has introduced new operational reforms aimed at deepening public trust, ensuring transparency and restoring public confidence in scholarship awards. These include the decentralisation of the scholarship awarding processes which has ensured accessibility as the brilliant-but-needy Ghanaian students are able to access the scheme without going through stress and other challenges.

The innovative Registrar of the Scholarships Secretariat achieved this by liaising with the Regional Coordinating Councils, Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies to establish an outfit, the District Scholarships Review Committee (DSRC), specifically for this purpose. This systematic decentralization of the awarding processes has increased transparency in addition to the accessibility to available funding opportunities.

Furthermore, the introduction of a new scholarship line, the Local Tertiary Scholarship, which is to take care of the academic facility user fee of Ghanaian applicants in both public and private tertiary institutions in the country is one initiative worthy of commendation.

Our research also revealed that, the phenomenon where students, especially those abroad, had to abandon their studies due to financial constraints has been dealt with as various policy guidelines have been developed to absorb private Ghanaian students abroad by offering some government support to aid the successful completion of their study programmes when the need arises.

With regards to the challenge of graduates or beneficiaries securing jobs after the completion of the studies, the Scholarship Secretariat, under Mr. Agyemang, has introduced various initiatives to address this issue and several others.

In conjunction with Associations of Ghana Industries (AGI), they have established what they call a "Labour Bank" which registers all graduates from foreign institutions with specialized degree certificates to serve as a skill database for industries in Ghana. This, we believe, will go a long way to help the current government achieve the human resource development and growth of the country.

Last but not least, in addition to Mr. Kingsley Agyemang's outstanding performance is his outstanding servant leadership style. The Registrar of the Scholarship Secretariat is widely known for his fantastic people skills and human relations.

We will therefore respectfully and humbly admonish the other appointees take cue from the work ethics, zeal to achieve and outstanding servant leadership style of Mr. Kingsley Agyemang and other colleagues who are performing exceptionally at the various positions and offices.

Long live Ghana!

Long live NPP!!