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Opinions of Sunday, 28 September 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Changing the Lyrics of Ghana National Anthem?

It’s really a shame that I have forgotten the off-head recitation of the Ghana National Anthem. However, I am a fearless soldier in the army seeking to realise the practical aspect of the anthem. Do I therefore be bothered unnecessarily about my simple inability, probably of deliberate origin, to sing the National Anthem as I would any of my preferred “Lumba Brothers’” songs? No, I shouldn’t!

Does the sole capability of perfectly reciting the lyrics of the anthem, as a bird would chirp for food, or chirp to rally its fellows around a common cause, or chirp to warn off a predator, be the prerequisite for determining who is a true Ghanaian nationalist? No, I should think.

It is how one understands the intention and purpose of the National Anthem and truthfully implements it in his heart to ensure its practical manifestation in Ghana.

Ghana as we speak, is in bondage to the parochial, selfish and greedy interests of a small number of politicians, their agents and assigns. They have become oppressors, law unto themselves, and are engaged in ruthless embezzlement of public funds to the dismay, and at the expense, of the general suffering public. They are callously leaving no stone unturned in their shameless pursuit of personal/individual wealth instead of seeking the collective interests of Ghanaians.

Are those carrying out the crimes of extortion, bribery, corruption, selective justice and intimidation with impunity, abiding by the lyrics of the National Anthem, even though they can sing or recite it with angelic golden voice? What about the other segment of the population that looks on with complete nonchalance, or does absolutely nothing when the few so-called lucky ones, criminals of course, are plundering the coffers of the nation? Could they be said to be the true nationalists that the anthem seeks to have in Ghana? No!

Are those robbing Ghana in broad daylight through acts of corruption and those watching powerlessly with mouths agape, not being cowards, contrary to the expectation of the anthem? The national anthem seeks to inspire Ghanaians to be audacious, honest and to resist all forms of oppressive rule. It is immaterial from whom the oppression comes, be it the Colonial Masters (external) or our own fellow Black leaders (internal), it must be overwhelmingly resisted, conquered and completely done away with (consigned to history).

Is Ghana today not under a form of oppressor’s rule through what is a shambolic democratic government of “yen ntie obiara?”; a government intent on perpetrating and perpetuating divisive tribal politics, corruption and intimidation through the practice of selective justice? A government collusively creating, looting and sharing the national wealth with accomplices through dubious “judgment debt payments” and open corruption.

The few those with unbridled authority to steal with impunity are all oppressors. They have to be resisted regardless of their category and status in the Ghanaian society.

Do people now understand why Rockson Adofo has fiercely been fighting the rogues in authority, exposing their crimes and subsequently lambasting them? All my publications are directed at sensitizing Ghanaians, calling them to observe and interpret the lyrics of the National Anthem practically.

I believe Nana Akufo Addo in his determined efforts to liberate Ghanaians from the shackles of the socio-economic slavery President Mahama has plunged Ghana into, is in fact, adhering to the practical implementation of the National Anthem. Similarly, Hon Kennedy Agyapong, Bernard Antwi Boasiako, alias Chairman Wontumi, Ernest Owusu Bempah, alias “Aboa apapo”, Dr Reverend Mensah Otabil, just but to cite a few, are all to be seen as enforcing the practical aspect of the anthem. They are heroes. What about my sister Obaa Yaa in London? She is a fighter upholding the practicalities of the National Anthem.

Fellow Ghanaians, please be doers, but not the simply the reciters of the National Anthem. We had better be both the hearers and doers of the anthem but not just the lackadaisical hearers. Better understand, try to ensure the practical realisation of, the National Anthem which is reproduced below.

Do we change the lyrics to suit our present cowardly status, curling under the table when the likes of Yaw Boateng Gyan, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and Ibrahim Mahama rear their terrorizing ugly heads, baring their insatiably greedy vampire fangs and barking thunderously to cow Ghanaians to submit to their wishes and demands?

God bless our homeland Ghana,
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend forever
The cause of Freedom and of Right.
Fill our hearts with true humility
Make us cherish fearless honesty,
And help us to resist oppressors' rule
With all our will and might forevermore.2x
Hail to thy name, O Ghana
To thee we make our solemn vow;
Steadfast to build together
A nation strong in Unity;
With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,
Whether night or day, in the midst of storm,
In every need whatever the call may be,
To serve thee, Ghana, now and evermore.
Raise high the flag of Ghana,
And one with Africa advance;
Black star of hope and honour,
To all who thirst for liberty;
Where the banner of Ghana free flies,
May the way to freedom truly lie
Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,
And under God march on forevermore.

I dedicate this publication to all Ghanaians, wherever they happen to be.

Rockson Adofo