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Opinions of Sunday, 7 July 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Charge Afari Gyan with Perverting the Course of Justice

...When he Falls

Look at how the once supposedly mighty one, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, is choking on his own saliva, admitting sheepishly that he committed catastrophic errors before and during Elections 2012. He thought he could get away with being impenitently obstinate. As it does not take long for a noose to form when a long rope falls into an unwitting hand, for him to hang himself, so has the fate of once stubborn but now humbled Afari Gyan become.

"You can go to court if you are not happy, I will declare the election results", Afari Gyan teasingly and threateningly said to the NPP when they sought audience with him over perceived electoral irregularities that had the potency to compromise the credibility of election 2012 presidential results. He shooed the NPP leadership out of his presence as though he was chasing away a nuisance buzzing fly. He might have laughed, saying, "I have shown them that I have Constitutional powers to do as I want when I want". This was how mighty Dr Afari Gyan was during and just after the elections.

Now, Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan sits in the witness box in the Supreme Court, embarrassed and unable to answer simple questions put to him. He fidgets when answering questions put to him by the Lead Counsel (Philip Addison) for the petitioners (Nana Akufo Addo, Dr Bawumia and Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey). Even recent rumours have it that he pooed on himself when sitting in the box not long ago. This is how the mighty liar has not only been disgraced but also, humbled by God. What a fall from grace to grass?

Let me now address the heading of the write-up, "Charge Afari Gyan with Perverting the Course of Justice When he Falls". Prior to the election, Dr Afari Gyan defined "Over votes" and prescribed the punishment of annulment in situations of polling stations unfortunately involving in acts of over voting. He said, "When the ballots in the ballot box are found to outnumber the registered votes cast, it amounts to over voting and the results of any such polling station will be cancelled". This definition was caught on tape and has been replayed severally on the airwaves by the various radio stations throughout Ghana. In the witness box, he defines "over vote" by his invented classical definition in an attempt to second Johnson Asiedu Nketiah's. He defines it as, "When the ballots in the ballot box are found to exceed the number of registered voters for that polling station as on the voter's register" What a contrast between both definitions and a huge deviation from the truth?

Dr Afari Gyan again lies about "verification" as pertained before and during Election 2012. Before the election, he was widely recorded on tape and heard in public saying, "NVNV. If I say NVNV, I mean No Verification No Vote. If I say verification I mean biometrically. The results of any polling station where people are found to have voted without going through biometric verification will be cancelled". While sitting agape in the witness box bewildered by questions fired at him by the Learned Counsel for the petitioners, Philip Addison, he redefines "verification" in tandem with his complicitous collusion with John Mahama and the NDC to rig the elections. He suggests one's voter's card could simply be placed on the screen of the machine to be verified. Additionally, he would not even bother an "Omanhene" (paramount chief) or any well known person to submit to verification but simply let him vote. He will let them vote, courtesy of exception galore (for being popular and famous)!

The lies told in the witness box by Dr Afari Gyan in attempts to refute the significance and seriousness of the statutory violations he intentionally caused to assist then candidate-Mahama and the NDC win the elections make him liable for perverting the course of justice. He will also be charged with causing financial loss to Ghana, mark my words.

I am in consultation with my White legal brains to see what charges to prefer against Kwadwo Afari Gyan in an event of Mahama losing the presidency or run off between Nana Akufo Addo and John Mahama becoming the Supreme Court's verdict. Any Ghanaian hoping to see the backside of Kwadwo Afari Gyan in prison should please keep in touch.

All those lying on affidavit to help sustain President Mahama will be dragged before the court in future, God willing.

I am sure of the Court verdict on Election 2012 petition pending in the Supreme Court. For an answer, just ask Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben, the one to whom GOD ALMIGHTY revealed some hidden secrets in a dream.

Rockson Adofo