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Opinions of Sunday, 9 June 2013

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

Charge Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan for Perjury!

Even though he claims to have conducted several successful general elections in
Ghana, I began to suspect this man when he tried to take the "glory" from his
predecessor, Dr. Ofori Boateng in 1992.

Indeed, Dr. Afari Gyan has been involved in 6 Presidential and Parliamentary,
excluding many by-elections, run-offs, and District Assembly Elections, he was only
a deputy to Dr. Josiah Ofori Boateng of the then Independent Electoral Commission
(INEC), who superintended the 1992 general elections.

However, looking at the current democratic dispensation vis-a-vis the peace and
stability being enjoyed by the citizenry, one cannot begrudge Dr. Afari Gyan for
blowing his own horns as the "King Maker" of Ghana.

But as rightly put out in the Holy Bible, money is the root of all evils. Afari
Gyan has been so blinded by money to the extent that his hard-won reputation has
been marred by his quest to make John Mahama the leader of this beloved country of
ours. For, if not money given to him by Mahama, then I'm tempted to question Afari
Gyan's motive for his recent electoral action.

Dr. Afari Gyan, are you in any relation with John Mahama at all? Why do you then
sacrifice your reputation for this man, whom many Ghanaians believe, is corrupt and
competent? Just check your age, experience in public life, academic prowess and make
a critical comparison with that of John Mahama and see which of you deserve better.

John Mahama is John Mahama because he had free education throughout his educational
life, his dad was a minister of state, he was freely appointed a minister and
consequently, a Vice President of the Republic. We all know the circumstances under
which he became a Caretaker president of Ghana in July 2012.

Without the aforementioned, who at all would this John Mahama be? Why then do you
want to impose a man who has never struggled in life on Ghanaians as our leader?
Where is his vision, where are his policies and programmes? Mahama has been at the
presidency for nearly one year. This is in spite of his role as the Vice President
for four years. But, what is unique about his administration, apart from the high
level of poverty among the citizenry, load shedding, corruption and thievery among
his appointees? Mahama has nothing good to offer Ghanaians, apart from making
himself and his siblings rich. Managing a country like Ghana to make it an icon of
the sub-region requires critical brains, and not just anyone. If I were in the shoes
of Asiedu Nketiah, I would say; "Any fool can buy the conscience of the Chairman of
the EC to be declared a president, but not all can manage the country properly".

As I pointed out in one of my articles, Osahene Boakye Djan sacrificed his
reputation for Jeremiah Rawlings in 1979 and today we are all witnesses to the
struggles of the man who preferred a Spokesperson's role to the Head of State.
Whilst Yaw Boateng Gyan, the National Organiser of the NDC planned to infiltrate the
National Security with NDC thugs to cause mayhem in the 2012 elections, you Afari
Gyan, together with Johnson Asiedu Nketiah have worked tirelessly to make John
Mahama a happy man.

Have you taken time to check the number of Brongs and Ahafos in his administration?
Can you cite just one Cabinet Minister who is a Bono (Brong)? I think Afari Gyan,
Yaw Boateng Gyan, Boakye Djan, and Asiedu Nketiah should wake up from their slumber
and think about the generality of Brong-Ahafo Region instead of their stomachs.

Dr. Afari Gyan, you made a fool of yourself yesterday by admitting unreservedly that
over voting, double registrations, and certain irregularities occurred in the 2012
general elections. What then do you understand by "credible", "transparent", "free",
and "fair" elections as you have previously alluded to?

In one end, you said your election budget was footed by the government and every
resources provided for you. In another end, you said the money was not enough, but
found wisdom in creating 45 new Constituencies. At some point, you said over voting
never occurred anywhere in the polling stations. In another end, certain results
were annulled due to over voting, yet you claimed not to understand the word "over
voting". Later, you gave a "classical" definition of over voting. In some instances,
you admitted that human errors occurred during entries on pink sheets. Along the
line, different figures were given for the voters' register. In some instances,
Paramount Chiefs, sub-chiefs, and indeed, every prominent person in the locality
could be exempted from going through the Biometric Verification, a case of some
Ghanaians more Ghanaians than others, and making nonsense of his "No Verification,
No Vote" mantra. In other instances, the Voters' Register given to the NPP was
totally different from what the EC used. So which is which and why this, Dr. Afari

Lies! Lies! Lies! Yes, it does not pay to lie, because in trying to defend any lie,
you end up telling more lies to worsen your case. This is the quagmire Dr. Afari
Gyan has found himself. "Mpanin se, adwenbone ba onion tirim a, na ne nyansaa so
ate koraa". I see the beginning of the end of Dr. Afari Gyan and his "Co-stealers".
It's my belief that these revelations would compel the Supreme Court Judges to
charge Dr. Afari Gyan for perjury and wilfully causing financial loss to the state,
after installing Nana Akufo Addo as the president of Ghana.

God bless Ghana! God bless the NPP!! God bless Kufuor!!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Asante Bekwai-Asakyiri
(Free SHS Ambassador)
Official blog: [email protected]
0202471070 : 0264931361
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