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Opinions of Saturday, 30 June 2018

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Charlotte Osei and her deputies must face prosecution and conviction not only sacking

Former Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei Former Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei

The now dismissed Chair of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, felt she was untouchable. She became so obstinate and had total disregard for the laws of the land in the years or months preceding Election 2016. Her irresponsible attitudes bordering on obstinacy and her perceived determination to facilitate the winning of Election 2016 by a particular political party, gave me the cause to publish numerous articles to not only warn her but also, to castigate her.

I remember warning her to beware the adage, “obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill”. At a point, most discerning Ghanaians became so alarmed by the way she was stubbornly conducting herself that had the potential to throw the nation into some sort of a civil war. Upon all the sincere expressions of concern about her deplorable attitudes, she could not care less. She stood her grounds as though Ghana was her property that she could do whatever she wanted with it. This is because, she always had the support of sorry to say, the little-minded NDC people and party that were bent on rigging the election in their favour no matter what.

Today, Friday, 29 June 2018, I stand vindicated for all my written concerns and lambasting of Charlotte Osei. In the end, she has been exposed by her own workers who had insight into her dubious conducts. Time indeed changes and there is time and season for everything as stated in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

The sacking of Charlotte Osei and her deputies should not end there. As long as the Committee mandated by the Chief Justice established prima facie against them hence their recommendation to the President of the Republic to sack them, that premise of prima facie must be sufficient to call for their prosecution and possible conviction.

Sacking them alone will not be enough to deter others from committing similar gargantuan acts of corruption, the bane of Ghana’s socio-economic development. Her attitudes at the Electoral Commission did not only amount to misbehaviour and incompetence but also, deliberate perpetuation of corruption to either enrich herself or her favourites. She has caused financial loss to the State by inflating the costs of some contracts she awarded unilaterally.

Why did Amadu Sulley transfer alleged votes at the Electoral Commission and accepted huge sums of money from some political parties? It is only prosecution that can bring out the whole truth and the extent of abuses by the trio Electoral Commissioners.

I hope intelligent Ghanaians will not support any call by the NDC to demonstrate against the sacking of Charlotte Osei and her deputies. Were they not themselves that came out to divulge their dirty engagements and acts at the Electoral Commission?

How I hope the NDC would grow up and desist from their further involvements in acts of stupidity.

Please public readers, do familiarise yourselves with the reasons forming the basis for the sacking of the once almighty Charlotte Osei. The reasons for her sacking are summed up as, “The 6 procurement breaches that led to Charlotte Osei’s removal” as published on Ghanaweb under their General News of Friday, 29 June 2018 and under the web link below.

The following web link under the heading, “Why Charlotte Osei and two EC deputies were sacked - CJ's report” will give the public the details about why the Committee recommended to the President to sack Charlotte Osei and her deputies, Amadu Sulley and Ms. Opoku Amankwaah.

I personally find those in the NDC fraternity threatening to embark on demonstration in support of Charlotte Osei and to demand further reasons from the government for their sacking as a bunch of nincompoops and complete ignoramuses who are unfit to be called and treated as human beings. No wonder that Ghanaians or Black people are looked down upon by our intelligent White contemporaries. Did Charlotte Osei and her deputies not self-accused themselves, revealing their own illegal acts at the Electoral Commission? If this is not enough to convince the NDC that there is no political witch-hunt about their removal, then I am sorry to say they amount to complete imbeciles that no one can reason with.

Let them come on and we shall face them squarely. If it was in the Western civilized world, Charlotte Osei and her deputies would have resigned on the secrets of their illegal doings becoming public knowledge without waiting for this long for a Committee to recommend for their dismissal from office.

I shall write pushing for their prosecution and let the NDC come to do their silly acts; uncivilized, dubious and corrupt as they are. I really have no patience for fools!