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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Columnist: Awudu Moro Kabore

Charlotte Osei and her two deputies must do the honourable thing; they should just resign

Charlotte Osei Charlotte Osei

The only institution in Ghana that has not suffered much credibility crisis since it came into being is our revered Electoral Commission.

The only institution that appears to have an aura of credibility surrounds it and which forms the basis for our successful elections since 1992 does appear to be losing its lustre in the last few years.

This development should be a source of worry to all concern Ghanaians who wish to see Ghana protect her image as a beacon of democracy and a nation of rule of law.

For the first time in the history of Ghana, we have the managers of this revered institution engage in a cold war. A war that has the potential to turn into a 'hot' war if all necessary measures are not put in place to forestalled its occurrence.

It does appear, at least, from what we have read in the newspapers and listened on radio, the only solution to this crisis at the Electoral Commission is for the Chair of the EC, Charlotte Osei, and her two deputies, Amadu Sulley and Georgina Amankwa to resign honourably and save themselves from future embarrassment.

As it stands now, there are over 27 allegations against the EC chair alone with 6 of these allegations coming from her two (2) deputies and the rest from the staff of the EC itself.

One of such allegations is that the former president, John Mahama, bought a car for the EC chair with an intent to influence her to do what she failed to do in the last election.

Charlotte Osei, on her part, has also made some scathing revelations about the conduct of her 2 deputies that largely borders on criminality and corruption.

It is worthy to note that, none of these allegations are coming from government or its assigns or members of the NPP. We have absolutely nothing to do with any of such allegations as the NDC wants Ghanaians to believe.

These developments have necessitated the office of the president to be petitioned for a possible impeachment of the 3 chairs of the EC based on these allegations.

The President as enjoined by the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana has forwarded the petition to the Chief Justice.

The Chief Justice, having established a prima facie case against the 3 Persons has instituted a committee charged to sit on the case.

The NDC and their assigns particularly, their 2 by 4 communicators, in clear disregard to the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana which details the processes of dealing with this matter has gone to town threatening mayhem should the Constitution be made to work.

'Lawyer' Abraham Amaliba, the only 'competent' NDC lawyer in town on live TV threatened that Ghana will burned if the EC chair is found culpable by the committee as constituted.

Its been over 4 days now and our state security apparatus are yet to invite such a reckless being who should know better to explain himself to the Ghanaian public exactly what he meant by Ghana will burn when our laws are made to work.

Alhaji Bature, my friend, also sat on live TV and issued a similar threat to Ghanaians.

Now, this is my position, our Electoral Commission is a credible institution that requires a credible individuals to man it. The events unfolding at the commission clearly shows that the EC chair and her 2 duties have no credibility and as such not fit to man this revered institution of ours.

Their continuous stay in office will have a serious implication on the capacity of the Electoral Commission to organize any credible elections in the near future irrespective of the outcome of the petition currently before the committee.

Charlotte Osei and her two (2) deputies will serve themselves and the Commission well if they honourably resign.

Moro Kabore (Deputy Regional Secretary Hopeful, Ashanti Region)