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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Columnist: Boakye-Baafi, Williams

Chastity And Immorality Among Ghanaian Youth

Article By: Williams Boakye-Baafi,

Many people have talked a lot about the best way of reducing indiscipline among the youth in the country and how to protect them from being infected with the most deadly disease through sex(HIV/AIDS).

Suggestions have been made on the need for the youth to abstain from sex, to be faithful to their sexual partners and if the above measures failed then they are been advised to use condom to protect themselevs.

Besides the series of workshops, seminars and symposia been organised day in and day out for people with the aim that such activities will help to reduce the spread of the disease yet the disease and immorality are getting out of hands in the country.

There is something that our HIV/AIDS activities have refused to talk about how to strengthen Chastity and effects of immorality among our youth in the country.

Since many people have explained chastity as a way by which people particularly the religious are to live a life with the absence of sexual immorality, we thought that such kind of behaviour can be observed by all.

Even if it is true that chastity should be observed by only the religious, don't we have millions of christians in Ghana?

As the days go by, we hear, see and read a lot of adverts on the prevention of the deadly disease HIV/AIDS, meanwhile we do allow others to act films and episodes which expose some behaviour that may contribute to the rise of people sexual desires.

For instance, there is no single day that you will not see some one kissing an opposite sex on one of our Nation's Televisions. Again, the policy maker's have allowed others to advertise the so called " sexually active drugs" on our televisions.

Observation indicates taht the alternatives been used in the prevention of HIV/AIDS like if you can't abstain, thenj be faithful or use condom has added to the increase of the disease and it related infections.

Have we reflected on the reseasons why HIV/AIDS is "slow rising" on Asia contents? At Asia apart from abstinence nothing else. Even a person who will be caught having sexual affair with another person, if they are not legally married will be punished.

In view of this there is the need for our political, religious leaders and the media in the country to focus on the need to educate our youth on principles of Chastity and effects of sexual immorality in our and on the economy.

To- be- Continued